Chapter 17

24 2 0

March 2023

Haneul's POV:

"Brooo, how's life?" Minhee asked.

Ever since we met at the karaoke place, we've been keeping in touch every day and decided to go on call.

She has told me her school tea and I've been telling her mine so she knows about everything, including the situation with Changmin.

"Changmin and I are still not on good terms" I sighed.

"Still? Have you guys not talked?"

"I tried, but he won't listen to me"

"Ugh, why is he so annoying?"

I simply sighed in return.

"If I went to the same school as you, I would beat him up for you and make him talk to you" Minhee said as she attempted to flex her muscles, causing me to laugh.

"Honestly, I've given up"

"What? Why?"

"He just keeps pushing me away. I'll just wait until he comes and talks to me, I won't force him. Besides, what I did was wrong so I don't blame him for not wanting to talk to me"

"Ma'am shush," she tutted, "it was a mistake"

"A very bad one"

"It was still a mistake though, it's not like you'll do it again"

"I will never" I sighed, "I really have learnt my lesson"

"Haneul, you're a very good person, a very good friend and I'm sure Changmin knows that too. You know what, maybe he'll text you today"

"Seriously?" I laughed, "I doubt that"

"You never know" Minhee replied as she shrugged her shoulders, "If he doesn't talk to you then you guys will never be friends again and it'll be his loss"

"I guess" I sighed, for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"Ahhh don't worry bro! Everything is gonna be alright"

"I hope so. How's life for you?"

Now it was Minhee's turn to sigh, "Bro, those exams were not it. I just wrote random stuff and hoped for the best"

"I'm sure you did better than me, bio is the worst"

"You're smart bro, you probably did better than expected"

"Nahhh, I know I did so bad"

"It's just mocks, right? At least it's not the real thing"

"Good thing otherwise I would be going to no uni"

"Same here"

"Bro, you're smarter than me"

"No you are"

"No you are!"



We then fought over who was smarter than who before laughing at our childishness, if that is even a word.

Talking with Minhee made me forget about everything, about mocks, and about Changmin.

Until I saw a text from Yeri pop up on the top of my phone screen.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped.

"What??" Minhee replied slightly panicked.

"My friend said that Changmin texted me on snap and wants me to check it"

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