Chapter 10

33 3 3

August 2022

Haneul's POV:

Results day came and this time I wanted to go by myself to save myself from embarrassment if I did do bad and my mum saw how miserable I would look. Honestly, I have forgotten how I found the exams but one thing I did know was that I worked so hard for chem and did not look at anything for bio.

Which was a problem.


I walked over to Yuna who was waiting at the bus stop.

"Hey! You excited to see your results?"

Yuna gave a huge sigh, "Of course not, I just hope I did well in maths since that's the subject I sacrificed my sleep for"

"That's me with chem. By the way, where's Jeongyeon?"

"She says she's still on her way. I expected better from her" she tutted jokingly.

"Guys I'm here!"

"What took you so long?" Yuna asked.

"Woke up late"

"You? Woke up late? Have you become like me now?" I laughed.

"I just couldn't sleep last night because of today but hey, we're not late are we? And look our bus is here right now, we'll be fine"

We arrived at school and my whole body was shaking.

Yuna and Jeongyeon and to help me.

That's how bad the shaking was.

"Han, don't worry! I am sure you got amazing grades" Jeongyeon reassured me, her carrying one half of me.

"Yeah Hani and gosh you are heavy" Yuna chimed in.

Immediately I felt bad and so I stood up straight and tried to shake the nerves away.

As long as I see no Cs.

Biology: B
Chemistry: A
Maths: A

Holy guacamole.

I looked up to see if Jeongyeon and Yuna were happy with their results but sadly, Yuna was crying while Jeongyeon was comforting her.

I was bad at dealing with these situations so, I decided to leave them alone for a bit and call my mum to tell her the news.



"Woah woah woah, slow down child" I heard her laugh, "What did you say?"

"I am so happy, mum" I breathed a sigh of relief, a tear slowly trailing down my almost red face.

I told her what I got and she was happy for me too, congratulating me and saying how proud she was of me.

The past few months of tears and stress was worth it after all I guess?

Oh lol that rhymed.

After the call ended with my mum, I decided to go check up on Yuna.

Turned out, she got a C for maths but she was feeling a bit better since she still got As in her other subjects.

Jeongyeon, of course, got all As.

We then had to wait in line to say which subject we wanted to drop for next year or if we wanted to keep all four subjects, but that only applied to those who got all As.

Whilst in line, it just so happened that Junghwan was behind me.

"Yo Haneul!"

"Junghwan! How was chem?"

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