Chapter 18

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April 2023

Haneul's POV:

The Easter holidays had finished, so school had started once again.

On Monday, Sunwoo didn't get me the chocolates he promised, but I wasn't surprised.

Tuesday, I still didn't get the chocolates.

During chem that Tuesday, he called out to me.

Both Jisoo and Asahi turned to me to see what I would do.

I turned away and ignored them, causing Sunwoo to be confused whilst Asahi sighed.

I knew the hair situation wasn't that deep.

I knew that he wouldn't get me chocolates.

So why was I acting like this?

Later that day, when I got home, I felt so bad for airing him like that, I wanted to text him something but I didn't know what to say.

Before I could think of a plan, I got a text,

Sunwoo 🥔: hey can I get you something for your birthday instead? I promise it'll be bigger

So he didn't forget about the chocolates.

But I also knew that he was trying to get away with not getting me an apology gift.

Me: lol you're too funny

Sunwoo 🥔: why? you don't think I'll get you something?

Me: yes exactly

And I was correct because the next morning, when we got on the same bus, he didn't say anything and just sat down whilst I looked out the window and listened to music.

When the bus arrived at our stop, I quickly dashed down the stairs and out the bus.

I wanted so desperately to get as far away from him as possible.

Again, not knowing why I was acting like this.

When I entered school, still walking as fast as I could, I felt a pair of hands tap my shoulder hardly, causing me to jump and shout in fear.


I turned around, clutching my chest, "You scared me!"

"Sorry," Jacob laughed, "You should've seen your face!"

"Oh shush" I rolled my eyes, causing him to laugh again.

"How have you been?"

"Tired. Very tired" I sighed.

"At least you're sleeping before 4am?" he sighed too.

I turned to Jacob in shock as we entered the school building, "You've been going to bed at 4am?"

"Yeah," he smiled nervously, "gotta do what it takes to get the grades, right?"

"But you need your sleep, bro"

"I know, I know. I'll get the sleep after A levels. Besides, in case you haven't noticed, I sleep during chem"

"Not good" I shook my head in disappointment, jokingly. "At least you still do amazing in chem"

"You do too"

"Nah, this year I've been doing horrible"

"Haneul, why are you lying?"

"I'm not!"

"Well, we only have two months left. If we pattern up and work hard, we will get the grades we deserve"

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