Chapter 8

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June 2022

Haneul's POV:

After two stressful months of studying and working hard without being able to contact any of my friends, the day came when my final exam ended. My mum had gone to Japan with her friend a week earlier and so, she gave me back my phone and how happy I was to get my precious child back.

"Finallyyy" Yuna sighed, "exams are now over guys!"

Jeongyeon and I cheered in return, "Now we can enjoy the rest of the day at the cinema and I also can't wait to try boba for the first time"

"You will love it for sure" I nodded at Jeongyeon, "By the way, have any of you guys heard back from Jisung or know where he is?"

At this time, us three were walking towards the bus stop and since Jisung didn't have an exam, he was getting ready and was going to meet us at the shopping centre.

"He said on the group chat that he is still at home, shaking my head", Yuna replied, Jeongyeon and I joining in with the shaking of our heads.

At that moment, I saw Sunwoo walking towards the bus stop with Eric alongside him, laughing together about God knows what however, their smiles changed when they saw that the bus stopped right in front of us and so while we were getting on, they both charged at the bus, running for their lives.

What a sight I saw.

Yuna, Jeongyeon and I went upstairs and took our seats with Yuna sitting in front of me and Jeongyeon. Seconds later, we hearing heavy panting as we saw Sunwoo and Eric coming up the stairs and coming over to sit behind us.

"Wow you are so unfit"

"Shut up, Haneul" Sunwoo replied as he rolled his eyes, Eric chuckling beside him. "Are you guys going to see the new batman movie?"

"Yeah, are you guys going to do anything?"

"We might watch the movie too" he replied as he looked over at Eric, "but we don't know for sure"

I looked over at Eric and figured that I might as well try to start a conversation with him since I have never talked to the guy before.

"Are you doing med?"

"Yeah, are you?"

"I was but then changed my mind. You guys have the BMAT coming up, right?"

"Oh, don't even remind me" Eric sighed as Sunwoo started laughing.

"Yeah, after we hang out at the shopping centre I have to get started on revision"

"Nerd" I mumbled as Sunwoo stuck his tongue out in return.

"Hmm" Eric hummed, "Haneul, should we come and watch the movie with you guys?"

"Yeah! It will be fun!"

"Not gonna lie, I am now tempted to just go home and revise for the BMAT"

"Nerd" Eric whispered over to me.

"I heard that" Sunwoo glared.

Turned out that Sunwoo and Eric only stayed a bit at the shopping centre before going home. Yuna, Jeongyeon and I met Jisung at the bubble tea shop and Jeongyeon indeed loved her boba. The movie was quite cool, even though I was very scared in the beginning of the movie, but I have to admit, I gotta agree with the people that said that the movie was overrated because it was just very long-winded. The day was very fun nonetheless. It really felt like the last day of school. But sadly, the school year didn't actually end and we started again next week.

It was study period and I was looking for a seat in the school's library when I saw Yeri waving at me and motioning to the free seat next to her so, of course, I took up the offer and went to sit next to her, smiling and waving back along the way.

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