The Aftermath

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It has been 2 months since Mario's defeat over Bowser, the Mushroom Kingdom has slowly rebuilt all damages caused and Mario and Luigi have officially moved in. Of course the brothers will slip between worlds to visit their family when they can! They wouldn't cut all ties with them even if they didn't believe in them being successful as they are now. The two brothers lived in a small mushroom house together built by the toads as gratitude for saving their home. They have everything they could ask for in their humble home.

"Aye Lui want some coffee?" Mario calls out from the kitchen.

Luigi had just finished clipping his overalls in.

"Ah yeah! If it isn't too much trouble!"

Luigi grabbed his shoes from the shoe rack and slipped them on before plonking onto the couch. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, it has been a busy couple of weeks for the duo here in the mushroom kingdom, nothing like what they would've experienced at home.

"What's on the agenda today?" Luigi called out, he grabbed a comb from the coffee table and stroked his moustache through as he waited for a response.

"Just gonna go down to the castle and see how Peach is doing, along with checking on Bowser, We ain't fearful he'll escape, but it's still a good idea to check y'know? Peach also hates checking in, Bowser is always flirting with her and being all kookoo weird about her." Mario spoke as he walked into the lounge holding two cups of coffee, one green with an 'L' on it the other red with an 'M' on it.

He passed Luigi his mug and sat down beside him.

"Don't you think it's a tad bit inhumane to trap Bowser in a jar? I mean, I get he's a bad guy and tried to kill us along with destroy the mushroom kingdom and forcefully tried to make Peach be his bride buuut-"

Mario raised a brow at him, a 'are you serious right now' look.

"Okay okay, I get it, he's a terrible guy! But a tiny jar? Not even the worst creature on earth deserves that! Come on Mario, you know it ain't right! We don't even do that in our home town, we give the prisoners at least a bit of freedom! We've just thrown Bowser in a confined space and expected him to live out the rest of his miserable life like that! His army, Kamek, they all get to roam the dungeon but he gets the jar!" Luigi protests.

"Oh Lui... why do you have to pull at me heart strings like this! You've always been the kindest soul I've ever met... Aight, look, we will go today and see what happens, you state your case to Peach, not me, AND, you can check on Bowser, since ya so keen on giving him a good life." Mario chuckled.

Luigi smiled bright, he placed his mug down and threw his arms around Mario, he latched onto him and hugged him tight.

"Aye okay, okay! Come on now I've got hot coffee!" Mario chuckled and ushered Luigi off of him.

Luigi hummed and grabbed his coffee, he took a sip and kicked his legs happily, Mario lives to see his brother happy and if giving the worst guy to ever exist a bit of freedom makes his brother happy then he'll allow it, but he can't just go through him, he has Peach to convince, Peach may not be so merciful, which is rightfully understandable! But it's up to Lui to do that convincingly, Mario refuses to do it for him, he'd be quite happy to see Bowser in the jar forever.

"Hey, Weegee, why is it so important to you that Bowser lives comfortably anyways? He literally tried to kill you! He had no remorse for hanging you over a pit of lava and he could have happily watched you die! And didn't you say he threatened to hurt you? Like- I mean, if that was me I wouldn't be so forgiving!" Mario chuckled and sipped his coffee.

Luigi sighed and shook his head at his brother.

"Mario, haven't you heard the saying, treat others the way you want to be treated? I mean sure! He did try to kill me! But why not forgive! I'm alive aren't I? Besides... I believe everyone had kindness in them... including Bowser! I watched him during the 'almost' wedding as I was being lowered to my death... the guy just wants to be loved! The way he looked at Peach with those giving eyes, all he wants is love, Mario! But alas his love was unrequited... He is a broken man, or lizard... but the only way to fix someone who is broken is with kindness and the respect they deserve!" Luigi beamed.

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