Please Don't Do this

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Mario just stood completely still as he stared at the door in disbelief. He wanted to chase after him but he couldn't move- his body was stiff and still- he couldn't even begin to process what had just happened, everything happened so fast, it was like a blur rush after a rollercoaster! He just- he couldn't believe it! His brother has never been in love with anyone before! He didn't even think he was gay! Not that it matters but what definitely does matter is that he was in love with Bowser! He couldn't believe that! What did Bowser have that made him so hooked? Either way, none of that even mattered right now! His brother was overly emotional and he had said things to his little brother he regrets, he has hurt him, he never intended to, he just wanted to keep him safe! He didn't think Luigi felt like this? That he felt like Mario never listens... and now he has fallen for the first person to pay him attention... Mario wasn't sure if Bowser actually loved Luigi or if he was generally manipulating him, he wanted to guess the ladder because of Bowser's nature, but what if Bowser really does love his brother?! How was he supposed to deal with that?! He hates Bowser! He wants nothing to do with him! But... he loves his brother more than anything and if this really was real... he would have to accept it, it was strange, he oddly wanted it to be all a lie so he could just beat Bowser up and move on... but he wanted Luigi to be happy, he knows if this was a lie, if Bowser truly was using him? It would crush his little heart into pieces.

He already knew where his brother was going, he didn't like it. He needed to stop him before he did something rational. He flung the door open and scanned around, he couldn't see Luigi anywhere! Oh god... He quickly grabbed his hat and flung himself out of the house. His mind was racing as he ran through the town as fast as he could, his eyes kept swelling with tears, but there was no time to wipe them away, he ran faster and faster.

Luigi had bolted the minute he left the house, he didn't even have time to grab his hat. He just wanted to get away, he couldn't stand to be around Mario right now, he was furious, he knew, he knew that Mario wouldn't understand or accept it! But he hoped that Mario would try! Instead he called him names and belittled him for it! He was supposed to be there for him! He was supposed to support him no matter what! He felt like his body was burning inside, he wanted to scream but tears only came out. He loved his brother truly, but he was in a horrible mind set, he was angry, he wasn't even thinking of his brother's feelings or emotions at this moment, if he wasn't stopped he may do something in the midst of his anger that he will regret.

Luigi arrived at the castle and ran inside, the toad guards didn't question it, why would they? It was Luigi. He ran down the hall and slammed through the doors they kept Bowser.

Bowser jumped when he heard the crash, he jolted up and looked wide eyed at Luigi- he was a mess! He knew immediately something had happened, his first guess was that he told Mario and this was the result, if that's so, he didn't have much time to set his plan to action, he needed to convince Luigi now, maybe he could convince him to run away with him? Or even just for a last request before they part their ways maybe forever, to be let out of the cage... he needed something, he needed to think quickly.

"Luigi?! Wh-"

Before Bowser could ask what his new partner was doing here at this time of the evening, Luigi slammed his hands onto the cage and began to sob. It wasn't hard to tell he had been crying before he got here, his eyes were red and puffy, he looked like a mess, his hair ragged, moustache fuzzy, he looked wrecked.

"B-Bowser- I-I'm so s-sorry! I- I told him a-and we had a fight and - I think he hates me!" Luigi sobbed as he clung onto the cage causing it to swing.

"Luigi- I-It will be okay- please just calm down!" Bowser tried to reason with him as the cage shook, throwing him back into the corner.

The Little Jar // BowuigiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt