Come out of his shell

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[ Disclaimer!! This chapter will contain NSFW content! If you are uncomfortable with that sort of read you may skip to the next chapter, this will not affect the storyline! The NSFW scene will be implied in the next chapter but not contain any, so don't worry, you're not missing any key details! This chapter is more for the progression of their relationship and the story! Also I will mention when the nsfw will start so if you'd like to read up until then that's fine too! (There may be a bit of storyline progression before the smut that is all) Anyways enjoy!]

Luigi waited patiently for the arrival of his love, he stayed silent as he looked around Bowser's room. It's true when people say a bedroom tells a lot about a person. Lucky for Luigi he didn't have to wait long as Bowser had patched things up with Kamek and was coming back now. The oversized turtle couldn't wipe a smile off his face, he was beaming! Not only did he patch things up with Kamek but he also managed to patch things up with Luigi and now they can get down to more intimate things between them.

Bowser creaked open the door and stepped in, Luigi's eyes darted up to the door as a warm, pleased smile came to his lips, he was shaking slightly from the nerves, his cheeks still tinted with a light blush, he hummed as he swung his feel back and forth.

"Heh, sorry to keep you waiting... It was important that I dealt with that there and then." He gave Luigi a nervous smile of sorry.

Luigi shook his head.

"Don't apologise, it's fine!"

Bowser smiled in response. He closed his bedroom door and locked it, just in case. He then walked over to the bed and sat beside Luigi, was it awkward to continue now that he had left? He felt stupid asking to continue what was started... he didn't want to appear weird or clingy, not like he hasn't already appeared clingy with the whole kidnapping thing... still! He wanted to make Luigi comfortable and really didn't want to mess this up, he just got him back... it would kill him if he lost Luigi's respect again.

Luigi nervously tapped his hands on his knees, the boy was aching to be asked to continue, he glanced nervously at Bowser then looked away quickly, he didn't want to ask either! For the same reason as Bowser, he didn't want to appear overly clingy or needy... but oh boy he was, he was extremely needy. But someone has to make the first move or they'd sit here anxiously waiting for one another to make a move all night!

Bowser awkwardly looked around his room, he tapped his fingers together as he waited for something to happen, anything to happen! Why was he suddenly so shy? He was doing so well before! Damnit Kamek!!

Lui knew this was getting absolutely nowhere, he couldn't bear to sit here in silence no longer, he had to make a move... he just had too! He placed his hands on his knees and inhaled sharply, if you want something done, sometimes you gotta just do it yourself! That's what his Ma always told him! Luigi slyly moved his hand to Bowser's thigh and waited for a reaction.

Bowser's entire face went bright red, his tail started to aggressively swish behind him, he bit his lip and looked straight ahead for a moment. Why was Luigi's attempt at starting affection to god damn adorable to him? Well... now he knows for sure Luigi was as needy as he was... Bowser swerved his body around and took Luigi by surprise, he grabbed his shirt and pulled him up onto his knee, he stared immensely into Luigi's lustful, fervent eyes as a wide, sinister smirk grew onto his lips. Luigi's body trembled and face went dark, he didn't move or say a single word as he stared deeply back. Bowser then gently ran his finger up and down Luigi's chest as he licked his lips.

"Well aren't you adorable~ trying to grab my attention hmm~? Well my attention is grabbed, what is it that you desire green bean~?" Bowser purred seductively.

Luigi let out a submissive squeak as he stared into Bowser's deep, hungry eyes. He didn't know what to say! His whole body had tensed up and his chest felt like it was on literal fire!

The Little Jar // BowuigiWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu