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"Alright Luigi, what do you want to know?" Bowser asked curiously.

"Well, I'm not sure, just- about you! Anything, just tell me something about yourself that people don't know." Luigi smiled.

Bowser sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Well, I like music... I like to make music, play piano... uh I can do any genre!" Bowser smiled shyly.

Luigi smiled wide! He didn't know this about Bowser! It was really nice to know... the guy had talents, often people ignore how talented he is because of the crimes he had committed, but just as Luigi thought, he is still a creature, with a heart and a brain, he has feelings and thoughts like anybody else!

"What? Stop smiling at me like that!" Bowser growled and crossed his arms.

"Gah! I'm sorry Bowser! It just makes me happy that you shared that with me..." Luigi hummed.

Bowser felt his heart skip a beat, what the heck was wrong with him? His palms were sweatier than usual, his breathing was uneasy and fast, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest... the last time he felt this way was when he first laid his eyes on Princess peach... no- that can't be right, why on earth would he be feeling this way now? It seemed every time Luigi spoke his heartbeat would race faster... no it couldn't be! That's absurd! He is just... happy to have someone that is willing to listen, that's it, nothing more or nothing less, the man hasn't had any proper interaction in so long! Of course he is bound to act out, it must be just that! Bowser tried to push any other thoughts aside, he straightened his back and cleared his throat.

"Erm, what about you? What is a fun fact about yourself?" Bowser asked quickly to change the topic.

Luigi put a hand to his chin and thought, what is a fun fact about himself? He didn't have much to talk about regarding his own life... but anything will do right?

"Uh... well... My favourite colours are green and purple! Unlike my brother I really like mushrooms, especially mushroom risotto... mmm, My brother and I were supposed to be the best plumbers around! But we kinda failed at that, but that's what led us here! I am scared of a lot of things... like ghosts, heights, clowns, loud noises and–"

"Luigi!" Bowser snapped a finger in his face.

"Gah!! I'm sorry! I'm rambling again! I tend to do that- I just get so distracted and start to ramble about nonsense... I'm so sorry– I'll stop talking now." Luigi moved his hands into his lap and looked down at his feet.

Bowser simply smiled.

"Yknow, before you paid me a small compliment... well I suppose I should give you one back." Bowser smirked.

"Noo.. you don't have too–"

"You're cute Luigi. Real cute." Bowser hummed calmly, he leaned against the glass of the jar and smiled smugly at the little guy in front of him.

Luigi's entire face went bright red, the blush scattered along his nose towards his ears, a cold sweat dripped from his forehead as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"Ouh! Heh- I am- dwell I- I... ehehe..."

Luigi's heart was slamming into his chest, he could barely breathe, he felt his limbs become weak and his gaze become fuzzy, he stared helplessly at the beast before him as he shivered anxiously.

Bowser stood over Luigi and stared down at his anxious deep blue eyes, he smirked as he moved his hand under his chin, he pulled Luigi's chin up and pressed a claw against it as he stared down at the poor nervous nerd in front of him. Luigi could barely move, he did not intend this to happen whatsoever! He was utterly shocked... he could barely even think straight while looking at Bowser, literally. He felt his body shake and squirm, before he knew it he lost his balance on the stool and fell off.

The Little Jar // BowuigiWhere stories live. Discover now