I Trust You

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Bowser was thrown off guard with those words, no one has ever said that to him, he... was having very conflicting feelings, despite everything, despite basically just confessing to the fact he may be using Luigi, this little guy still has the kindness to open his heart, but why? Why was he that sweet? It confused Bowser, he has lived a life of people hating him and not giving him a chance! He has never once had someone who genuinely trusts him. This baffled him. He stood back, frozen in his spot, trying to understand all of this. He wasn't sure if he should be excited that he had such an easy target on hand or if he should feel guilty... was this Luigi's plan? To make him feel bad? Did he know all along that he'd use him so he gave a counter attack? It has to be that, nobody is that kind... nobody.

"You don't trust me, you're just saying that..." Bowser grumbles quietly.

Luigi shook his head, he took a step forward, he placed a hand against Bowser's hand... it was massive compared to his.

"No. I'm not. I genuinely think there is kindness in you... you just need someone to tell you that it's there, you need... someone to listen, someone who is willing to open up to you..." He gently caressed his large hand with his tiny hand.

Bowser's gaze softened, he felt tears swarming in his eyes, he shook his head and looked away, he refused to appear weak.

"You... you don't know that..." Bowser muttered.

"Maybe I don't... but that isn't going to push me away." Luigi looked up at him.

Bowser couldn't believe what he was hearing... Luigi was serious, he genuinely thinks that there is good in everyone, including Bowser, it... shocked Bowser, he had never met someone quite like Luigi. It... warmed his heart in a way none has ever before. Maybe he does have a soft spot... but that doesn't mean he isn't evil! He still wants to rule the universe, nothing will change that... but he felt genuinely guilty to use Luigi for his own advantage... no– it's not using... it's simply just giving him a nudge to freedom without telling him the true story! Isn't that why Luigi is here anyways? To help him get more freedom? Would it really be any harm if he asked for more? It's not manipulating if Luigi wanted this- sure maybe he is using his kindness.. But if he genuinely feels for the guy it can't be using...? Right? Of course not... he hopes at least- a part of him doesn't want to lose Luigi. He has never met a guy quite like him.

"You really mean that...? That you won't push me away. No matter what?" Bowser asks nervously.

Luigi grinned.

"I promise. I don't break promises." Luigi moved his hand away and sat down against the glass, he patted the spot beside him for Bowser to come sit.

Bowser smiled and sat down beside Luigi, he couldn't believe the events that had unfolded within 2 days... he was already forming quite the liking for the guy... but why, oh why did it have to be Mario's brother? He wasn't sure if he should be proud or worried... there isn't like there is much chance of Mario ever accepting him and if they do go further, they'd have to hide it between them, they already have to hide this friendship! Or should Bowser flaunt it? It'd be pretty funny to see the look on Mario's face if he told him he was messing about with his brother... oh boy- then there's Peach, she probably wouldn't give two shits! But... he had liked her for so long, would it be bad to move on so quickly all for a guy who simply showed him a little bit of attention? Bowser's feelings and thoughts were conflicted. He really liked Luigi. He wanted to get close to him, he was scared. Bowser, scared. Bowser wasn't afraid of anything! Yet here he was fearing for his life, fearing he'll hurt the little guy, fearing this won't work, should he even try? Well he needs a way to get his freedom anyways... guess it might be worth coming onto him anyways?

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