Hopeless Without My Brother

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Luigi made his way down the hall, he continuously fiddled with his thumbs and aimed his eyes to the ground, he refused to look at anyone, it's as if everyone around him knew- which obviously wasn't the case, nobody knew but he and Bowser, alas this lingering feeling of distrust roamed him, he felt as though all eyes were on him, that everybody was judging his every move, how does he truly know that nobody else knows... Well, nobody was in the room where it happened... but that didn't shake the feeling of guilt that continued to crawl on his back.

It felt like something was constantly pushing against his chest, suffocating him in a way... an intense throb in his heart that he couldn't rid even if he tried! It was consuming his every thought and feeling, He felt genuinely weak, sick even, disgusted in himself- Oh... but then he imagines, only one little glimpse of bliss as his mind trails off, he imagines Bowser's soft gaze, his gentle touch against his cheek, he imagines his silly try hard 'charming' smile and his adorable excuse for a joke, he imagines his dumb, smug grin and his cunning yet curiously deep eyes... How could he resist such a temptation? He was drawn by Bowser, he had something that nobody else had, he had something that lured Luigi in without him even needing to try... He was hooked, wrapped around his finger, submissive to his next command- Bowser had full control over his mind, his feelings... and there was no turning back now, he was stuck. Why didn't he just quit when he had the chance? Why did he simply try in the first place? So many lurking questions in Luigi's mind! He didn't have to do this, nobody was forcing him, nobody wanted this, everybody would have been fine to leave Bowser for dead! But of course, yes of course, Luigi couldn't bear to let that happen, he had to open his mouth and have an opinion! This is what happens when he has opinions! It leads to something dangerous. He always listens to Mario, he always follows in his footsteps, he keeps to himself. Good little Luigi, Quiet little Luigi, the younger brother, the quiet brother, the sidekick. For once he thought for himself and now look where that has gotten him? Should he be ashamed? Does he wish he could go back? Does he wish he never spoke?

What has drawn him to Bowser in the first place? Why did he have the heart to feel guilt for him when nobody else did, Bowser hadn't shown him mercy, Bowser couldn't care less about him... until now. He brought this on himself but why? He could have continued on life without suffering this horrible secret, but instead he pushed for this, he accepted Peaches request and now here he was. But why? A question he has asked himself millions of times over but can't come up with a certain answer, he wishes he knew why he cared so much... Was it because he wanted something to be his say for once, did he want to be under his own shoes rather than following in the footsteps of his brother or did it go deeper than that? Did he genuinely feel deep remorse and guilt for Bowser? Or was it worse... had he fallen from Bowser way back when? ...when Bowser had him tied up, and how close they were– no- that is impossible! Then why hadn't he stopped thinking about that moment ever since?

It appeared every night for weeks, he'd lay his head down and at least once, reimagine the scene play out. He couldn't drain the thought from his mind. How Bowser stared fiercely into his eyes, how he was so gentle yet so rough... Luigi recalls not wanting to look away, he was mesmerised by the beast before him. Maybe, just maybe, it was a feeling that had been lingering for a while, or maybe it was just his big heart. Nobody shall ever know, not even Luigi can tell, all he knows now is...

He is falling for Bowser.


Bowser sighed, he leaned against the glass and closed his eyes. Was he really falling for his worst enemy's brother? He didn't want to believe it but every thought he has brings him back to Luigi. Bowser was a sucker for romance, he always has been, for Peach. What changed? What did Luigi have that Peach didn't? Bowser just didn't understand it! He had loved Peach for so long, utterly and entirely obsessed with her! But it's like she doesn't even exist anymore... It's not even like they were the same in any way shape or form! Peach was strong, courageous, brave... While Luigi is... quite the opposite, Shy, nervous, withdrawn... not that it was a bad thing! Bowser found those features of Luigi to be adorable! It's just– why? It didn't make sense. Was he finally coming to terms with the fact Peach didn't love him and never will? Or was he growing tired of the same old fight... Or maybe it's because Peach never showed any interest, she never cared about him and never will... oh, but little ol' Luigi... his heart, so big and full of love. He was gentle, understanding... he wanted to listen and was open to hear Bowser out, he was able to forgive him for all he had done, he may have been the first person to truly listen, to truly tell Bowser that they care. All Bowser has ever wanted was to be loved, to be noticed and appreciated and Luigi gave him all of that without him needing to force it from him.

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