Mario and Peach

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What had Luigi done, his mind was bombarded with so many bad thoughts as Bowser stormed through the halls of the palace, the horrors that Luigi was enduring, watching toads scream and cry, run away in fear, crying and screeching for someone to help! Luigi was stuck in Bowser's fist, he held a firm grip on him, he always said Bowser was strong... he just wished he didn't use his strength for horrible things. Luigi didn't squirm or kick or bite, he stood still as his eyes filled with tears as he watched in horror on something he created. He did this. It was his fault. Why didn't he listen? Why did he have to have such a big pathetic heart, Mario was right all along, he always is, why would it be different this time? Maybe Luigi thought, just once, things could be different, that it would be his turn to shine, he was stupid to ever think that. He has a bright idea and look where it leads? He was just as bad as Bowser, maybe worse, a true monster for letting this happen, he knew what Bowser had done in the past, he knew what he was, how he acted and the sacrifices he made to get where he was. He is a very evil man... yet Luigi trusted him, not only trusted him but fell in love with him. What does that make him? A culprit to these crimes? An alibi? He should have trusted his instincts, he knew deep down how wrong this was from the very start, he knew he should've just let the princess punish him, maybe he would have learnt? Maybe things could have been different but no, Luigi came along, Luigi wanted to save the day! Luigi wanted to change the course of history! He felt stupid. Mario was right, he had gone mad, he was thinking up on dreams that could never ever be true. Maybe so, people can change, maybe not all people stay the same, but he trusted Bowser too soon, he fell too quickly, he believed too easy. This was his fault. There was nothing he could do about it, he did this, and now the shame and guilt will forever be held on his back. Not only did he betray the Mushroom kingdom but he betrayed his brother, the one who has been there for him since the beginning, the one who has bent over backwards just for him, the one who has loved him and nurtured him and what does he do? He falls in love with his worst enemy. He made himself sick. If Luigi didn't hate himself before he sure does now.

Bowser crushed through walls showing no regards to anything or anyone, whatever got in his way he smashed it down. Now he was regular size he had his strength back to breath fire, cause destruction, and destruction he caused. He stormed down to the cellars, pushing toads out of the way, and burning the metal of bars until it melted into a pile of goop. Luigi shut his eyes tight as he trembled in Bowser's hand, he couldn't watch- all the enemies escaping, his army, his kingdom. It was too late for anything to be done. The Princess was out running errands when she got the message that Bowser had escaped. One of her royal Toads, one with a red mushroom head and a blue vest ran to her and cried for help. But when she arrived back at the castle it was too late. Walls destroyed, things knocked over and smashed to pieces, Toads harmed and all prisoners were gone. Bowser still had connections back at home which he called to pick him and his army up immediately.

Peach gasped with horror upon arriving back, her stomach churned into knots, she felt like she was going to be sick. She failed at her duty of care... she ran to some toads and carefully held one in her arms, she stared down at the poor weak thing, he coughed and groaned in pain.

"H-He... he... was carrying the green plumber, he ... took him with him..." the toad whimpered in pain.

Peach gasped. "Where's Mario?" She pleaded as she wiped his face from tears.

"I... I don't know..." the toad winced.

Peach placed him down and turned to the brave Toad that told her.

"Help the injured Toads to the infirmary room, get any Toad not harmed to help, I need to find Mario... we're lucky Bowser didn't make any real damage today, walls I can fix... now get yourselves treated..." She pet Toads head comfortingly and walked off. She walked with her head held high, she always walked like a woman on a mission, she had a lot of power within her, a courageous woman.

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