Luigi's Dark Secret

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(This chapter contains: body dysmorphia and anorexia, viewer discretion is advised.)

Most of the journey back the Mario brothers seemed withdrawn from each other, no snarky comments, no silly jokes... they had both been through a lot of emotions in the past hour or so and probably needed a break. Immediately after arriving home Luigi rushed into the kitchen. He put on a pink apron and took out a baking tray... what was he baking?

Mario casually walked over and leaned against the wall as he watched his brother curiously.

"Watcha making?" Mario cooed.

"Hmm? Ouh!! Uhh.. nothing special, just cookies! you can have one when they're done!" He smiled weakly at his brother.

Luigi took out a bowl, a mixer and a few ingredients. Luigi found that when he was stressed, baking always helped him calm down! Not only that but he wanted to make something for Bowser... he realised the last two days he hadn't seen Bowser eat anything! He was starting to grow concerned that he wasn't being fed... I mean it was his job to feed him the slop they serve to prisoners but, he rather give Bowser something nice to eat.

"You gonna make them like Mama?" Mario asked.

Luigi grinned.


"Make sure you eat dinner Weegee..." Mario patted his brother on the shoulder then shifted past him to the cupboard. He pulled out a box of microwavable mac and cheese, he didn't want to get in the way of Luigi baking so he thought he may as well have something simple. He put his mac and cheese on and stood out of the way as Luigi mixed his cookie batter.

It didn't take too long to make the mixture, he rolled the batter into little balls then squished them flat onto the tray. He lifted the tray and put it in the oven to cook before slipping from the kitchen. Mario grabbed his mac and cheese and took it to the table to eat.

"I'm going to have a shower... I won't be more than 5 minutes, the cookies will be ready in 20, but just make sure they don't burn." Luigi chuckled softly before stepping inside the bathroom and closing the door.

Luigi set the temperature of the water before getting undressed and stepping in. Once inside he let out a deep sigh of relief. He needed a hot shower to defuse after a day like this. He closed his eyes as he let the hot water trinkle onto his brown curly locks... He gently ran his hand through his hair and massaged his temple. He had a splitting headache after today... his mind was overworked, all the stress, the arguing with his brother, it had really tuckered the guy out. He was exhausted from all of this... he wanted the pain to just go away, he wanted to feel free, he felt so trapped in the situation he was in... he couldn't tell his brother, his brother makes it extremely clear how he views Bowser, but he didn't want to ignore his feelings towards Bowser either! He really liked him... but what was he to do? Keep this a secret forever? That had to be impossible right?

(TW. body dysmorphia and anorexia)

Luigi leaned his back against the shower glass and slowly slid down to the bottom. He hugged his knees close to his chest and dug his head down. He allowed the water to fall off his back and into the drain. He imagined what tomorrow may be like... would Bowser be angry about being moved to a cage? Would something more happen between them? There was so much to think about... but Luigi didn't have the time. He stood up and grabbed the shampoo bottle and squeezed a tad bit in his palm, he swished the soap through his hair and quickly rinsed it off. He grabbed a bar of soap from the shower holder and gently went over his chest. Has he gotten thinner? He placed the soap aside and ran his hand slowly across his ribcage. He could feel the bones, he was definitely getting skinnier. But was it enough? He still didn't feel happy with himself, god, he must have looked like an absolute slob eating that container of risotto... why didn't he just resist it? Another day without food couldn't have hurt... could it?

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