Here goes nothing!

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Luigi could feel the fear creeping on his back, he was terrified of Bowser, yet here he was doing everything in his power to make the guy comfortable! Luigi couldn't tell you why he wanted to do this, he wasn't even truly sure himself! All he knew was it felt like the right thing to do so he was going to do it! He stopped at the door and took a deep breath in before pushing it open and stepping inside. There was Toad leaning against the wall watching Bowser as he fiddled with a piece of string... the poor little guy, he seemed so hopeless. Luigi pulled on his overall straps and chimed in, he smiled nervously at Toad and glanced at Bowser. Bowser showed no interest in him.

"Hi! I'm Luigi... but I think you know that, The Princess said... I could take care of Bowser's duties for a week or so... and she said you'd have a list...?" He was confident at first but the confidence in his voice faded as he spoke on.

Bowser peered over at the two as he listened on... why on earth would the princess send this twink to take care of him? To rub it in his face that he and his brother had defeated him? What was the point of this!

Toad yawned and pulled out a scrunched list from his pocket.

"Alrighty, If the princess says so! Must be my vacation early!" Toad chuckled.

"Heh... yep, just tell me what I have to do, I'll do it." Luigi kept his eyes away from the jar, he hasn't spoken to Bowser since... well since everything went down.

"Okay, So." Toad scans the list.

"Over there, by that shelf, should be a small smoothed out tiny wooden bowl, we just put some mush in there for food, then clean it afterwards, uh we have a bucket for his business... a wet cloth will do for cleaning, just wet it with warm water and rinse it out, give him a good scrub... as for that there isn't too much else to do! Just keep an eye on him throughout the day and then a Toad will come to do the night shift, which is simply just watching over him during the night to make sure he doesn't get up to any mischief! Sounds easy to you?" Toad hummed as he waved the list in his face.

Luigi slowly nodded as the list was shoved into his chest, he grabbed it and folded it nicely before slipping it into his pocket. He watched as Toad slipped out of the room leaving him alone with Bowser... Oh boy, here we go.

Luigi anxiously walked over to the jar and stood over it, Bowser refused to look at him, he sat on a tiny stool and looked away with his arms crossed.

"Hi. I think you may remember me heh... Luigi? No... heh that's fine-"

"What are you doing here?" Bowser snapped.

Luigi gulped and went to speak before being cut off again.

"Does the princess really want my life to be that miserable that she sent a reminder of my failures to come and take care of me like i'm their pet? Ugh!" Bowser stood up and kicked his mini stool to the ground.

Luigi licked his lips, they were growing dry from nervousness.

"No! No... heh, I requested to be here... actually..." Luigi muttered awkwardly.

"What!? Why? Heh, only a fool would want to take this job! Toad only does it because he wants to be proven useful to the princess! I can't see why a twig like you would want to take on this task willingly! You must be crazy!" Bowser scoffed.

"Hmph, well aren't you rude, maybe I am crazy, so what? I'm not the one in a jar!" Luigi snapped.

Bowser couldn't help but snicker.
"Alright kid, you got me there... What's your name again?"

Bowser has been in here too long, he hasn't had proper interaction with anyone in weeks! In the jar minutes feel like hours! Hours feel like weeks and weeks feel like years! No sense of time besides when the food is served and the Toads barely speak to him unless they're belittling him! So... it was nice to have someone new in.

The Little Jar // BowuigiWhere stories live. Discover now