A New Day, A New Me.

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Soon Mario finished his shower, got dressed and prepared for the day, he didn't try anything new like Luigi, just the same old same old. He exited the bathroom and walked into the lounge smelling fresh. Luigi peaked open an eye and sat up.

"Ready to go?" Luigi asked curiously.

Mario nodded with a bright smile, he offered a hand for Luigi to take then helped him to his feet.

The Mario bros headed off for another day at work, there was a lot of work to be done since the destruction of the kingdom, so Mario had been needing to come in almost every single day, of course Luigi would tag along but he had never been useful for anything until now! So maybe this gave him purpose, maybe that's all this excitement was, that he felt needed somewhere! Luigi tried to think of every excuse he could to the way he was acting differently, avoiding the deep dark truth that was swarming in the back of his mind, sure maybe all these things paid a factor but it wasn't the real and most truthful reason for his new actions.

Soon enough they arrived at the castle, the bros parted their ways, Mario went to meet with the princess while Luigi headed to the room down the hall and on the left. He saw two Toads clocking out for night shift, they gave Luigi a wave. Luigi grinned and nodded to them before stepping inside the tiny room.

Bowser was awake! They gave him a marble today... he was just kicking it around as he sat on his stool, he looked quite bored. The moment he heard the door creak open he threw his head over, his face lit up when he saw the little green man, the only thing was, he looked... different. Bowser looked Luigi up and down and examined carefully the changes that were present. No hat... new outfit. Hm.

Luigi walked in and placed his bag aside in a corner, he walked over and stood over the jar.

"Good morning Bowser." Luigi hummed.

"Morning pretty boy~ what's with the outfit?" Bowser teased.

Luigi felt his whole body start to burn, his lip quivered and his eyes averted away as quickly as they could.

"Uhh, I just wanted to try something different... eheh..."

He felt his heart start to pulsate, he took a deep breath but the words 'pretty boy' rang through his mind, why did he like being called that so much? He was sure Bowser was just teasing him! But something about those words truly got to him.

"Well, you look rather nice." Bowser smirked.

"Ouh... you're just trying to flatter me..." Luigi muttered his breathing was heavy and unsteady.

"Hm, maybe I am~" Bowser purred.

"Gah! Hush! I'm bad with compliments! A-and especially from evil criminals..." He covered his face with his hands and tried to calm himself down... his head was starting to swarm his thoughts again.

Why did he want to dress so differently? He had always followed in his brother's footsteps, as long as he has ever known, what was so different, he knows it isn't just because his Mama gave it to him, he can visit her anytime! There was something else, something more... and he is starting to realise what it was. The moment he walked in. Bowser. His reason was Bowser. But why?! Why did he want to dress up for him? It's not like Bowser cared how he dressed! And why does he care what Bowser thinks anyways... Well, Luigi doesn't receive much attention in his day to day life, back home or here, Mario has always got the attention, he is a go-getter, and quite a handsome fella, as for Luigi? He stayed himself, hardly spoke to anyone! Never went on dates or even tried to flirt and now all of a sudden this... creature, this... criminal, Bowser... showing him all this attention, calling him cute, being so dangerously close to him! He wanted to get a reaction... he wanted to get a compliment, he wanted to impress Bowser. Why? Why Bowser? Was it simply because he was a creature like no other, that Luigi found strangely fascinating? Maybe he wanted to show he was something special too? I mean to get complimented by someone like Bowser is insane! Luigi doesn't see Mario being complimented by a giant lizard man... It had to be that, it had to be, it was something HE had that Mario didn't... but no, that can't be it! Mario has a literal princess all over him! This didn't make sense... What was wrong with him? He couldn't possibly, actually... be falling for–

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