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Kaz's breathe hitched as soon as he saw Amira. She looked incredible in his dark clothes. It was nearing being cruel just how well she moved around his office in his clothing. He was starting to regret offering his clothes to her. He needed to get himself in check. Why was this slip of a woman rattling him so badly. She was beautiful of course but he'd been around plenty of beautiful women. Even in this room Inej and Nina were with them too. He wanted to look at Inej but he knew whatever expression she had on her face would flay him deeply. He knew he was making an absolute spectacle of himself watching Amira move around and he was ready to admit to himself that this was going to be a real problem for him.

Jesper did make a good point earlier, Amira would certainly be useful to garner information from poor unsuspecting men. 

Kaz couldn't believe that any hot blooded male was safe from her.

Fuck Kaz cursed under his breathe. Kaz knew he was being silently judged and he knew that Nina noticed the change in his heart rate the second that vixen had entered the room.

He also didn't fail to catch Nina's curious glances in his direction. He growled and settled himself in his chair refusing to look at Amira any longer so he could attempt to get his thoughts in order.

" So I'm sure you are all aware I caught Amira trying to steal from my office last night." Kaz muttered to the room

Nina gasped," You didn't kill her outright? Wow Kaz going soft on us?"

Kaz growled glaring at Nina with narrowed eyes," Never that heartrender, you know better."

" She isn't a crow Kaz and you are a fool to think overwise." Inej muttered

Kaz frowned looking towards Jesper and Wylan ," Any other useful commentary to add about my decision ?"

Wylan simply shook his head and looked over to Jesper. Smart man, Kaz mused. Jesper looked briefly at Amira who was now smirking at them all.

" Kaz you aren't going to listen to anything we say about this anyway so I'll keep my opinions on it to myself." Jesper muttered.

Kaz slammed his fist on his desk, " Am I not the leader here?  You don't get to question my decisions. I haven't given you any reason to doubt me have I?I have my reasons for keeping her alive."

He felt Amira's eyes on him again and he fought to not look in her direction, but as she spoke up from her spot against the wall,it ruined his resolve.

" Kaz, I think you owe it to your crew to explain why you decided to spare me don't you think?"

Kaz narrowed his eyes on her. She smirked back at him. She was enjoying this too much for his liking.

Jesper glanced between Amira and Kaz,seemingly agreeing with what she had said. Now he waited for Kaz to speak up in response.

" I..I had my reasons," Kaz growled, " We have more pressing matters, namely your bounty Amira."

"My what!?" Amira startled.

Kaz smirked at her then which made her frown back at him. He said solemnly," You didn't think your boss would just let you go did you? You know his cruelty first-hand and the man seems to want to fight for you."

" I... I'll handle it." Amira straightened from her spot against the wall and Kaz watched her pull out her dagger from her boot. She clutched it in her small fist seemingly finding comfort with the weapon in hand.

Nina spoke up from her seat," While that is admirable, you aren't expected to fight the man alone." She turned to Kaz," You have a plan I presume."

Kaz nodded but didn't elaborate on it.

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