Kaz-My Future

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Kaz watched as Inej and Amira moved towards them. He wanted to rush out to her but didn't want the men to see him acting so emotional.

He honestly couldn't believe she was even here as he expected to have to storm into the building to free her.

He grinned,his woman had been resourceful and essentially saved herself. He shouldn't have expected any less to be honest.

She also looked incredible. She was wearing a black dress that hugged her curves. Her red hair was loose and lay in waves over her shoulders. Her blue eyes were bright and her cheeks were flushed. She was practically glowing under the moonlight and he was desperate to take her in his arms but he stayed where he was waiting with the others.

Jesper on the otherhand didn't show any of his reserve. He raced out to embrace Amira. Kaz watched as Jesper lifted her into his arms and twirled her, it made her laugh.

When her eyes met his, her laugh quieted. Her eyes softened and he could tell she was just a desperate to be in his arms as well.

Kaz heard her tell Jesper," Put me down please I need to go to him."

Kaz held his breathe as Jesper set her back on her feet and Amira made her way over to where he was standing.

When she was close she smiled up at him saying softly, " Hi Kaz, I'm so sorry.."

He cut her off with a desperate kiss. Cupping the sides of her face gently under his gloved hands he pressed his mouth to hers. Kaz couldn't stand  hearing the pain trembling in her voice. The fact she thought she needed to apologize to him when he was the one who failed her, it was nearly more then he could stand.

His hands shook as he wrapped her in his arms. Her skin was cool,he felt it even with his gloved hands. She had to be freezing in the dress.  He quickly slid his jacket off and bundled her into it. She graced him with a beautiful smile as she gratefully slipped her bare arms into the sleeves of his jacket. When he was satisfied that she was protected from the cool night air he spoke the words he'd been rehearsing in his head over and over since the morning Inej had told him.

" Amira I'm so happy that you're safe. I'm never going to let Carlson near you again I vow it. I.. I'm sorry that you felt you needed to hide anything from me, that I let you believe that I didn't want a family with you.  I love you Amira. I want you to know I'm honored. You've blessed my life in so many ways and knowing I'm going to be a father,well I'll admit it wasn't anything I ever expected.I promise you that our child will want for nothing. I will make sure you're both given everything you need. "

Amira started crying and he hated seeing her tears. He was unsure what he needed to say to make her feel better.  He was frustrated and felt so unsure of himself.

He wiped gently at her tears with his gloved thumbs as he asked her," Amira what can I do?  I didn't mean to upset you further I just needed to tell you I understand why you didn't tell me.  I don't want you thinking I'm not going to be here for you no matter what.  Please darling tell me what I can do to make you feel better.?"

Amira sniffed prettily and sighed as she looked up at him. " Oh Kaz I'm not crying because I'm upset. I'm actually incredibly happy right now. It's the hormones I think.  I cannot seem to stop crying lately.  Oh saints I love you Kaz Brekker. I want you to take me home and take me to bed. "

Kaz grinned as pulled Amira against his side. He barked his marching orders to the men and slipped his gloved fingers through Amira's giving her hand a light squeeze. "We'll get you home but I need to do something first. Wait here for me darling."

He nodded to Inej and he waited for her to come stand with Amira.

Kaz felt the women's eyes follow him as he went over to where Wylan was adjusting his wiring.

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