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I stopped outside Kaz's office taking a moment to calm my breathing. I went to knock on Kaz's door but his deep voice called from inside the office.

"Come in."

I opened the door and stepped into his office. I noticed Kaz sitting at his big desk. A pile of papers spread across the desktop in front of him. I assumed it was business papers.

He was writing in a ledger and cross checking his work with another paper .

I wasn't sure of my reception so I took a moment to shut his door and when I turned the lock over Kaz lifted his head from his work.

" Amira what are you doing?" He asked me voice low.

" We should talk Kaz." I told him finding my courage as I moved over towards him.

He watched me walk over his eyes locked with mine. He smirked at me as I came around the desk.

Kaz pushed himself back from his desk and turned in his chair to face me.

" Come here Amira." Kaz growled and waited for me to heed his command.

My first instinct was to be stubborn. I was so very tired of men issuing me commands but this was Kaz and with him it was different.

I sighed as I stepped between his long legs looking down at him.

He motioned for me to sit, so I crawled into his lap. This was becoming my favorite spot to be.

"Sorry I left you down there with the others Amira. I hope they behaved themselves. I just needed some time to think alone." Kaz muttered as he wrapped his arms around me and slide my bottom up more on his lap so I was pressed intimately against him.

I had to rest my hands lightly on his shoulders to support myself as I met his gaze.

"Its okay but as I anticipated they all know know about us. " I started and I saw anger flash in Kaz's eyes, he started to move me off his lap but I put a palm on his cheek softly and continued hurriedly," Don't get angry at them about it, it doesn't serve any purpose."

" I should kick Jesper's teeth in. He has a big mouth and he never things of the consequences of his actions." Kaz growled, " Oh and I'm sure Nina is beside herself about it too, I'm never going to hear the end of this am I?"

I grinned at him. "It isn't that bad is it Kaz? These people love and care about you you're lucky you have that."

" They love my reputation and my money, me that's debatable. I've risked their lives countless times in the pursuit of wealth and revenge, the fact any of them still stay by my side is a miracle itself." Kaz muttered

I frowned at him as I replied, " Kaz you are their family too you aren't just their boss. You may be shit at communicating it but I know you love them all too."

" Yeah it doesn't benefit to let anyone know you have people who matter to you. My enemies would use them against me for their gain." Kaz stated sullenly.

" Its a cruel world Kaz we both know it but it doesn't mean you shut out connection with people who matter. Love isn't a weakness, it in fact makes you stronger." I said softly

Kaz shut his eyes a moment and took a few deep breathes. I watched him, loving his long dark lashes. He was a truly beautiful man and I felt so lucky to be here with him like this.

"Kaz.." I started

He opened his eyes again and met my gaze. " What is it Amira?" He asked me softly

" I noticed the way you looked at me downstairs, like I had hurt you by not sitting at your side. Can you explain to me what I am supposed to do when we're in public. I don't want to hurt you but I'm unsure how to navigate this with you if you don't talk to me." I said

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