Everybody Likes Rad?!

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[Rad is filming himself]

Rad: Rad rocket's on the roof and ready to roll. [Launches a rocket] Blorp! [Face plants on his camera] Rad rocket's on the roof— [Enid laughs] Blorp! [Enid laughs even more] [Titlecard appears] [Enid and Godzilla laughs as she shows the video to Rad] Rad rocket's on the roof and ready to roll. Blorp!

K.O: [Drops his broom] Oh, no! Rad, you accidentally forgot to cut out the part where you fall through the roof!

Rad: [On the roof] Are you kidding? [Levitates off the roof] Whoa! This video is a work of art, K.O, every detail is perfect. The setup, the unexpected nature of the fall, the way the rocket launch gets cut off at the end... Mwah! You couldn't plan something that good.

Enid: I got to hand it to you, Rad. I can't not share this. *Chews on a Chicken Leg*

Godzilla: same here

Rad: See, K.O? The joke may be on me, but it's still my joke. [Rubble falls on him] Blorp!

K.O: Rad!

Enid: *laughs* You're on a roll today.


[K.O picks up the debris to find Rad's head gasping for air]

Rad: Please tell me you got that on video. [On phone taking out the trash] Blorp! *chuckles* So good. [Throws the trash away] *smacks lips* Rad rocket's on the roof and ready to roll. [Hides phone away]

Brandon: Dude!

[Drupe, Brandon, and A Real Magic Skeleton approaches to Rad]

Rad: Hey, guys. What's up?

Brandon: Your new video was genius!

Rad: You guys saw it?

Drupe: Yeah. I loved when you were all, "Blorp!"

[Drupe, Brandon, and A Real Magic Skeleton laughs]

Brandon: "Blorp."

A Real Magic Skeleton: So good.

Brandon Blorp, so is that like a Planet X thing?

Godzilla then punches a tree.

Godzilla: where's the Xilien?!

Drupe: eh?

Godzilla: Planet-X, Xiliens?

Rad: Dude, I'm not a Xilien.

Godzilla: [stares at him intensely] you better not be, cause I won't fucking hesitate Bitch

Drupe: are Xiliens bad?

Godzilla: try Unwilling Mind Control, Various Attempts of Murder and various Earth Conquering attempts.

Drupe: ok

Red Action: if you want to relieve stress, I know a way.

Everyone stares at her

Red Action: I meant the spa across the Bodega you weirdos, Unless

Enid: please no more perverted shit Red

Red Action: scared I might steal your hus-

Before she can say anything, Enid throws a cheese slice at her.

Red Action: Huh?

Enid: I'm not in the mood to throw trashcans or other heavy objects at you.

Rad: Well, sure, but physical comedy is universal. That old thing is going around, huh? I, uh, haven't checked in a while. [Leans on a garbage can] You know, busy.

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