K.O's Video Channel

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[The episode starts off with a close-up of Enid's face]

Enid: Ready, Goji?

Godzilla: Ready!

Enid: Five, six, seven, eight. [Starts the video]

[Enid and Godzilla try to mimic the dance move. Enid accidentally steps on his foot]

Godzilla: ow

Enid : Ah! Sorry! Sorry!

[Pans to a phone recording them dance]

Godzilla: I keep making my steps too big.

Enid : its ok, let’s just start it over from that part.

[The scene reveals that K.O hiding behind a plant while recording them]

[Enid and Godzilla finish the dance]

Enid: Wow, we are terrible at this.

Godzilla: Really bad.

Enid: just terrible.

Godzilla: yeah

Enid: Well, [Puts a towel over her shoulder] it’s a good thing nobody except us will ever bear witness to what we just did.

[Cuts to Godzilla and Enid in the Bodega, walking]

Rad So are we gonna practice again tomorrow?

Red Action: You better. [Godzilla squeezes his bottle] Your choreography needs serious work. The big finish is showing promise, though....Goji [Blows kiss]

[Red Action exits the Bodega]

Enid: what's that supposed to mean

Red Action: figure it out bubblebutt

Enid: my butt is not that big!

[Enid and Godzilla look at each other]

Godzilla: tbh, she's kind of right Queenie

Enid: Yeah I- wait, R-Red Action saw us dancing?

K.O: Yeah! She loved it! See? [Show all of the comments on the video to Enid and Godzilla]

[Scrolls down the comments and zooms in on Red Action's comment]

Enid : you put it (leans back on the counter) online? (grabs K.O's shirt) K.O, why? Why?! [Rolls around]

Rad: (gets up from the floor and puts his hand on the counter) Seriously, why would you tape that? (zooms in on Rad's face) That video is a total violation of privacy (crosses his arms) and really not representative of their dancing abilities.

[Cuts to K.O on the counter]

K.O: Oh, I-I thought it was cool. I like watching videos of you guys.

Rad: That’s nice, K.O, but you really shouldn’t have posted it. Like, I embarrass Enid all the time,

Godzilla: But, I’ve never seen her like this. [Enid is curled into a ball]

Rad: You got to delete it!

K.O. Don’t worry! I’ll delete it right now! I-I’ll delete all of them!

Enid, Godzilla, & Rad: THERE'S MORE THAN ONE?!

K.O: [Tries to delete video] Mmmmmmmm…

Godzilla: I'm afraid to ask but why?

K.O: [Thinking] You can only delete videos from a computer? [Runs out the store]

Enid : you have to delete those videos, K.O!

K.O: I’m sorry!

Enid: you better be! [Sighs] Well, might as well check the damage [Checks her phone] while these videos are still up.

The King of Heros (Godzilla x Ok K.O Harem)Where stories live. Discover now