A Major Oversight Part 3

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     No, no, no, no.  Luigi listened again. He was now confident he knew that sound. He froze for a moment in fear.  He wasn't ready to face Bowser again.  It was... he looked at the clock... 4 am. He was probably the only one awake, save for Daisy who was definitely in her room by now. Maybe she had also heard?

     As Luigi froze in place, the airship sounding closer than ever, his mind racing, one thought floated to the surface. 

     I have to wake Mario and Peach.

     As he darted to the door he heard glass shatter behind him.  He screamed and tried to get through the door.  He was almost in the hallway when he felt something solid slam into his back, causing him to fall forward. He didn't give up. He had nearly scrambled to his feet when he was yanked back and gagged. Immediately after, a bag was thrown over his head.  He kept fighting, swinging and kicking until he was completely tied up. He felt a small bit of pride that most of his attacks connected even when blinded.

    The feeling of pride only lasted a moment as reality set in.  He was trapped. He couldn't move, he couldn't scream, he couldn't even see but he knew he was now on the airship.  He had tried to run, he had tried to fight and now he was frozen in fear.  He wept silent tears, wishing Mario would come to save him.  A small part of him was glad he wasn't seen.

     Was this how Peach felt every time? 

      Peach.  He felt a deep pang of guilt for all the times he and Mario hadn't been able to stop this.  He wondered how long it would take for them to wake up and notice he was gone.  

     How would they find him?  How would they even know where to look? Bowser only ever kidnapped Peach, why would they assume he would kidnap Luigi?

     Bowser only ever kidnapped Peach.

      His fear slowly began to make way into dread as he remembered the outfit and wig that he still hadn't removed.  Bowser's minions thought he was Peach.  The King probably thought so too.  He would be furious when he found out the truth.  

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