Kidnapped Part 1

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      Luigi sat trembling in his cell.  It had been hours since he had seen anyone, save for the pair of hands sliding meals under his door.  There were now three trays of food. Either it had been a whole day or the Koopa King had no idea how much humans are supposed to eat.

     He hadn't eaten any of it. What if Bowser already knew it was him? Would he poison him? He didn't seem the type. More of a rip-you-to-shreds or fry-the-skin-off-your-bones type of deal. Luigi knew this but maybe the King knew he knew this and so poisoned the food. Or maybe the King knew he'd know all this and so did not poison the food. Or maybe...

     Luigi took a deep breath.  He wasn't taking any chances. No food. Mario would be here soon. He'd notice his younger brother missing the moment he awoke for natural causes and not Luigi piledriving his bed at 7 am like a scrawny crazed wrestler.

     The green plumber sighed. He missed Mario already. He had been away from him before but not like this. Never like this. He tried to focus on his breathing. Now wasn't the time to cry. He had to remain strong. When Mario got here they were gonna kick Bowser's ass.

     Well, that's how it was supposed to go. Luigi tried to avoid fighting Bowser at all costs. He certainly had before but he considered himself more of a strategy guy. Confrontation made him nervous but he could proudly take credit for planning most of Mario's successes.

     He often showed Mario tips and tricks to defeat Bowser's minions. When his brother fought, he let his temper get the best of him. Luigi was always slow and calculated. He was usually nervous so when actually scary things happened he was pretty good at keeping his wits about him. Usually, he'd hum and haw or say words of encouragement to himself.

     He couldn't do that now. He had to stay as Peach-y as he possibly could. Ha. Peachy. He almost laughed. And then the reality of his situation hit him again. He nearly choked on his instantly smothered laugh bringing a gloved hand to his face.

     At that moment, a magikoopa in a blue robe with thick round glasses popped into the room. Stars, he was lucky. Luigi turned away from him as fast as he could, keeping his hand in place.

     "Your Highness?" The magikoopa, who Luigi thought was named Kamek, spoke in a forced gentle tone. 

     Luigi did not turn. 

     "Your Highness." Possibly-Kamek (?) now dropped the forced sweetness and sounded a little annoyed. 

     Luigi continued to stay in place, hoping the magic user would leave.

     "Nothing to say this time, huh?"

     Did Peach normally talk?  Luigi shook his head. He couldn't talk but if he stayed unresponsive longer he feared the magikoopa would approach.

     "You haven't eaten. "

     Another headshake.

     "Are you aware that you injured several of King Koopa's troops?"

     Luigi froze. He knew he fought, but who wouldn't? He never meant to hurt anyone that bad.  How bad?  He wanted to ask.  If it was a couple of bruises that's fine. Hopefully, no one was hurt too badly. He wanted to apologize to those troops. They were just following orders, right? 


     Luigi quickly shook his head again.

     "I figured you should know because that's what the King is coming to talk to you about in... " Kamek (?) paused.  Luigi could hear his robes rustle a little as he presumably checked his watch.

      "5 minutes." 

     FIVE MINUTES!  Luigi almost screamed.  

     "Hope you have an answer for him, princess. He doesn't take too kindly to those who attack his people."  With a poof of air, the wizard was gone. 

     What was Luigi going to do? Mario better get here fast or he was going to be toast. Literally. 

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