Kidnapped Part 2

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     Bowser sighed and collapsed forward on his desk. Paperwork was so annoying and tough. It seemed that every other Kingdom was either hostile or directly at war with the Koopa Kingdom. It was starting to get frustrating but also hopeless.

     He knew he had done wrong, and that he was frequently doing wrong but he wasn't doing it to be bad per se. At least that's not how it started. He wanted the war with the Mushroom Kingdom to end. He had tried everything but Princess Toadstool wouldn't listen.

     He'd proposed a political marriage several times. She'd turned him down. He'd tried again and again in desperation. He'd kept kidnapping her in order to talk to her, find some other form of peace but she wouldn't listen. She'd call him a monster and that Mario was going to kick his ass.

     She was right on both counts but he'd endure it as long as it meant one day he'd have peace for his people. Maybe she'd get tired and cave to his pleas for peace. Anything for his people, even though sometimes they were clueless.

     It wasn't necessarily that they were clueless but rather so scared of him that they made mistakes.  He knew they had good reason to fear him but he wished they were loyal out of respect.

     Oh well, there was nothing he could really do about that right now.

     Right now he had to talk to that suddenly aggressive prisoner.

     "Sire." Kamek poofed into the room directly behind Bowser causing him to jump.

     "Kamek!" Bowser grabbed his chest exhaling a burst of flame, "You can't keep doing that!"

     If anyone else had jumped at him like that, he probably would have incinerated them in shock.  He was easily startled because he was always on edge but Kamek knew where to appear to avoid the blaze. 

      The Magikoopa in question chuckled as Bowser regained his heart rate and composure.  The latter muttered several curses under his breath before finally turning to face his adoptive father.

      "What did you come in here for?"

     "I saw the Princess."

     "And? How is she?"

      Kamek suddenly got a wicked smile on his face, "So you do care about the princess!"

     If looks could kill, Kamek would be at least 12 feet under the ground.  "Not you too,"  Bowser fake groaned.

     "She won't talk to me and hasn't eaten."

     "Quite unlike her.  She usually has quite a few things to say.  Not nice things but still things."

     "It is quite odd, Sire. I would suggest you talk to her.  First attacking troops, now silent? Maybe she's waiting to yell at you?"

     "And not eating out of protest?" Bowser pinched the bridge of his nose.  He knew he was generally in the wrong but sometimes Peach was too much.  This kidnapping was already going south.  It was only a matter of days until Mario would show up,  beat him to a pulp and take her home.  Without the conversation, he so desperately needed to have with her.

     It was all getting a bit tiresome but what other choice did he have? He wanted to not be the monster anymore but it seemed everything he did tightened his chains. 

     Maybe this time the Princess was willing to hear him out.

     In his fucking dreams.

     "I'll go talk to her. She's got some explaining to do."

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