Good Morning to You

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Luigi woke up feeling refreshed. Before he even opened his eyes he could see the light and heat of the sun shining on his bed.  He gave himself a moment to just savour the feeling. He knew Mario would be pounding on his door any minute now.  He knew he'd have to get up sooner than later.  He cracked an eye open.

Pink. Pink everywhere.

His eyes flew open. This wasn't his room! He sat up in bed nearly bumping his head on the headboard. 

The memories of the last 36 hours came flooding into his head. He got kidnapped and was in Bowser's castle.  His brain seemed to fast forward through all the events until it reached last night. Something had happened with his hand to make it glow and instead of attacking or yelling Bowser had comforted him.  He'd even invited him in for food and wine.

Wine. That wine was one of the strangest things Luigi had ever encountered. He was shocked that Bowser had told him not to drink it and that later the king had agreed to play Truth or Truth with him. He's actually learned quite a few things about the king that didn't surprise him. Bowser was competitive just like Luigi and loved physical activity. There were some things that truly shocked him.  Bowser wanted to be a father one day but he couldn't have that until there was peace. Bowser wanted peace. That was nothing like the Bowser he'd heard about.

Bowser was a greedy, bloodthirsty, tyrant with a creepy obsession with Princess Peach.  He was ruthless, cruel, and the very definition of evil.  Luigi saw none of that last night.  Bowser could have easily killed him, he could have tortured him, but he didn't.  The king Luigi had seen last night was compassionate, kind and, patient.  He didn't even mention Peach once, not even when sipping that wine. 

It was odd. He didn't know what to think.  For a brief moment, he wondered if maybe Bowser was manipulating him but he quickly banished it from his mind. Instead, there was a seed of doubt sewn in his mind about all of those stories he'd heard about the king.  Bowser had seemed just as surprised and embarrassed about some of the things he'd blurted out last night... Luigi laughed at the thought.  The look on the king's face, in shock at his own words, it was a face Luigi would want to see again. 

He wasn't shocked by that thought.  In his mind, Bowser had become an enigma and he was burning to know more.  

He rolled out of bed bracing for cold air or the cold stone floor and was pleasantly surprised to find the air the perfect temperature.  The floor was shockingly warm. He could get used to this.

No. That thought was too far.  He was still a prisoner, right? He was confused about it and would have to ask Bowser about that.  Provided Bowser was still the light-hearted king of last night and not the cruel tyrant of yesterday. 

Luigi could sense a panic coming on but he knew he could handle this. If that side of Bowser existed he could get it out of him. He always brought out people's best. It was one of the few things he had on Mario. 

He decided to get ready and look as presentable as possible for his interrogation.  He recalled Bowser saying that it was a tomorrow problem, and it was now tomorrow. 

Luigi walked over to the closet, ready to find out which skirt and shirt combo would be the least uncomfortable for him.  When he opened the door to the closet, he was surprised to find that there was a pair of blue overalls folded on top of the dresser.  On top of them was a note:


I didn't want to wake you as you were getting some much-needed sleep, but I thought you might want another option.  One closer to what you normally wear. Please let me know if it the sizing is wrong. I hardly ever get a chance to make human clothes.

- Kamek

Luigi smiled. That magikoopa really didn't have to be as kind as he was. He too, was acting out of the character Luigi had heard of and previously seen. He was confused and hoped maybe today would bring some answers. 

He changed into the blue overalls, they almost fit but were a little tight. That was fine, Kamek had done an excellent job.  He couldn't find many shirts but there were a few white and pink laced button-ups.  He put a white shirt on and laughed at his reflection in the mirror.  The shirt and overalls did not match, but he felt it was very fitting.   It kind of just worked. Colour him surprised.

After he had cleaned up and made himself presentable in the washroom, he headed for the door.  This time he wasn't surprised when it opened.

For the guard stationed at his door, it was a very different story. The poor koopa shrieked and almost fully ducked into their shell.

"Y-y-you're alive!" 

"Yes?" Luigi was confused, did the wine put him in a coma? He didn't think so. "How long have I been asleep?"

"8 hours. B-b-but, he- his majesty-" they stammered.

A sudden panic coursed through him. Was Bowser ok? Did the wine hurt him? "Is everything alright?"

The guard gave him a very confused look, the panic melting away almost instantly. Though, he could still see a deep-seated fear in the koopa's eyes. "Yes? We thought he killed you." They paused. "I forgot to introduce myself, where are my manners? I'm Amakeshil, your personal guard at the moment." They held out their hand.

Luigi shook their hand,  surprised at the sudden change to politeness. Suddenly, it hit him. Amakeshil had likely been hurt by him before, or known koopas that had been killed by him or Mario.  Luigi always tried his best to only injure but in life or death scenarios, it's impossible to make sure every blow is non-lethal. 

"I'm so sorry, Amakeshil."


"I've hurt so many of your people, I-"

Amakeshil stopped him.  "We all have. I don't blame you for following Princess Peach's orders any more than I hope you'll not blame me for doing my job. Come along. We're going to see His Majesty now." 

They cuffed Luigi to themselves and began walking down the hall, dragging the prisoner behind them. 

Forbidden Fruit (A Bowigi Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora