Seeing Green

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There were mixed reactions when Bowser had hinted that Luigi may be helping.  At first, many of the koopas were uncertain, and of course, Lady Luella was unmoved. It wasn't until Jago had piped up in Bowser's defence and explained that Luigi hated the war that the council settled down.  In the following year until next meeting Bowser had started a schedule of who he would be travelling to and when.  

But as the afternoon dragged on, Bowser began to find it difficult to focus. Normally this was the part of being a King he liked the most, travelling and helping others.  He was seeing green but this time in a whole new way. 

The Koopa King had bid all of the Council goodbye and gave special instructions for Jago and Enoki to meet up with Luigi whenever he returned.  

It was now almost time. Bowser felt like a child, after the meeting was over, he'd gone to his room and freshened up.  He'd even quickly waxed his horns.

Who was he trying to impress? He thought to himself. Luigi?  He almost didn't notice that his first thought wasn't to call him a prisoner.  He shook his head. He was just stressed after a day of meetings and had time to kill. That was all. 

"Sire, you seem a little nervous." Kamek waited with Bowser by the table for Luigi and Amakeshil.  It was to be the last meeting of the day, briefing Luigi on what they could over dinner. 

"I'm just hungry," It was only a partial lie. It had been hours since the conference lunch and even that had been relatively light.  Koopas generally ate one meal every two or three days with snacks filling up the rest.  It was time for a meal.

Kamek was one to talk. With the way he was wringing his hands, Bowser was sure that his advisor was also nervous.  Before either of them could call each other out on lying or hypocrisy, the door to the dining room opened.

Standing in the doorway, with his head slightly ducked in apprehension was Luigi.  It seemed he also had extra time before dinner.  His hair seemed to shine in the light of the torches, his mustache was trimmed and waxed.  Even though he was in a casual brown button-up and dark green pants that Kamek had clearly made, it was the most put-together he'd ever looked.  

When their eyes met, Luigi smiled and bowed.

"Good evening, your majesty."

Bowser blinked. 

"There is no need for that. Just Bowser is fine."  

Kamek and Amakehil exchanged a look and Bowser nearly rolled his eyes at them. What was wrong with having Luigi just call him Bowser? It's what he called him anyway.  Besides, he'd already told him it was fine.  He must've forgotten because of that wine, or maybe Amakeshil was correcting him every time.  

The room was incredibly silent as Luigi nodded. It seemed everyone had their words caught in their throats as dinner was served.  

Throughout dinner, Bowser found himself watching Luigi. He couldn't help it. The man was mesmerizing even when doing the mundane task of eating. Bowser mentally kicked himself. Luigi wasn't mesmerizing, Bowser was just trying to get a read on him. Be sure that he really was going to help.  He'd look away before Luigi or any of the others noticed.

Occasionally when he looked up, he'd find Luigi's eyes already on him. The man would then blush and quickly take a sip of his ale. It was almost cute if he didn't know how dangerous of a person Luigi could be.

The dinner went by silently and afterward the four seated at the table were all given mugs of hot chocolate, spiced with cinnamon and fireflower seeds. 

"This is exquisite!" Luigi exclaimed. "I'd love to know the recipe."

Bowser thought the hot chocolate was tasty but the delighted hum Luigi made while he cradled his cup in both hands was delicious. 

What the actual fuck?  This is Luigi Mario, he's been your sworn enemy for years.  He and his brother frequently injure you and foil your plans.  Bowser's mind was racing. He needed to get his act together but a small part of his mind whispered, why the hell not?

"I'm sure that can be arranged," Bowser managed to respond as he looked to Kamek for confirmation. 

It was as if Kamek was reading his mind, his father looked highly amused as he nodded. 

"I'd uh.. also like a copy of a book on the history of the Koopa Kingdom," Luigi added.

Bowser raised an eyebrow.

"We went to the library today," Amakeshil supplied. "He spent a better part of the morning and afternoon trying to learn as much about the Kingdom and its people as he can."

Kamek looked suspicious and Luigi came to his own defence, not with rage but with understanding. It was impressive how well he maintained his composure despite the heavy unspoken implication of him being a spy.  Bowser certainly wouldn't have been that calm. 

"I have so many misconceptions about the Koopa Kingdom. I want to be able to help but it's hard to help when almost everything I've been told has been a lie," 

Kamek nodded. "I will find one we have a copy of and either give it to you before you leave or send it to you through our network in the Mushroom Kingdom."

Luigi's eyes lit up as he thanked him. Did all humans look this beautiful when they were happy? 

Amakeshil suddenly snorted over their hot chocolate. It was odd, they'd always been serious and intense, doing anything they could to further the Koopa Kingdom.  

Once, they had been one of Bowser's strongest generals, the only one he'd trusted to go up against Luigi in the early days when Bowser was still trying to overwhelm Princess Peach rather than exhaust her like he was now.  Their ambition had been their downfall when they changed tactics mid-fight and attacked Luigi head-on. It had ended that battle and saved lives but they also lost their wings.  They'd received a medal that day but had never worn it. 

Their seriousness had only increased when they took a job training other generals. There was a brief moment when they were married and had eggs, when they were more light and carefree  After their wife was killed in a raid, they moved into the castle as a high-ranking guard, telling Bowser they wanted a safe place for their eggs to hatch.  Since the day their twins hatched only time Amakehil ever smiled was around their koopalings. 

Until now. 

Bowser was shocked to see that they were getting along and defending Luigi now.  He was even more shocked that they were laughing for seemingly no reason.  It seemed Luigi had a way of bringing out the best in people. Or maybe they needed a visit to the doctor. 

"Apologies, Bowser." They chuckled, making it clear that if Luigi was rejecting formals, so would they.  It was bold and had Bowser been the tyrant he was painted as, Amakeshil would become a drybones. "I was just thinking, it's a good idea we told the troops to stand down, I don't think Luigi would ever get home if it was just up to Mario to get him."

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