Does if have to be never?

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Now it was Luigi's turn to be surprised. He waited a moment to see if Bowser would laugh or lash out but he seemed dead serious.

"Then why do you want to marry her?"

It was now that Bowser laughed, it wasn't the happy, booming laughter of last night but instead it sounded forced, perhaps with a touch of pain.

"I don't," The great King, looked away, if Luigi didn't know better, he'd think there was a flicker of shame and embarrassment. "I thought it would work."

"You thought asking a Monarch, a Monarch you're at war with, whom you don't really know, who wants you do hang for your crimes," Luigi couldn't help but laugh, even though a good portion of his brain thought it might get him killed. "You thought asking her to marry you would, work?

"Well, when you put it that way... " Now he really did look embarrassed as he joined in the awkward laughter.  

After a few moments Bowser cleared his throat. "Unfortunately, this is technically an interrogation so I do have to ask, how did you know I was coming to kidnap Peach?"

Luigi sighed and told the truth. This time Bowser accepted it. He had a few more questions but believed him this time.  Their conversation then fell into silence.  It wasn't awkward but Luigi could see Bowser was deep in thought.  He decided to take a chance to finally get a good look at the King interrogating him.

From far away, he was intimidating . Up close, he was downright terrifying. He had, massive, sharp, fangs and a maw that could easily bite Luigi or any creature in half.  He was easily twice the size and four times as heavy.  Even while sitting still, Luigi could see that the dragon-turtle beside him was solid muscle and he knew that he was fast.  His piercing red eyes were often the last thing people saw before being incinerated by his fire breath. 

But Luigi wasn't scared.  Maybe it was the way the light was reflecting off his golden scales, or the way he seemed to be having a conflict within himself, or quite possibly, it was Bowser's respectful treatment of him these last few days.  Whatever the case may have been, he was able to see, not a monster, but a lonely soul.  He appeared to be deep in thought, his normally sharp claws were retracted, the blazing fire of his eyes, nothing more than a soft flickering ember.  They were sitting about a metre apart but Luigi could feel the heat radiating off him.  He felt like he could bask in it all day.

"Like what you see?" Bowser was now watching Luigi with an amused expression on his face.

Had he just been staring at Bowser with some stupid expression on his face? Worse yet, stars above, what was he thinking? It had to have been a result of his recent sleep depravity. He could feel himself blushing, unable to think of a single thing to say.  Bowser chuckled and shook his head.

"Most people stare the first time they see up close, I'm surprised it took you this long."

That didn't seem right. "Are you ok with that?"

He shrugged, "I'm used to it."

"That isn't what I asked."

The king narrowed his eyes but to Luigi's surprise and relief, he accepted the question. "It makes sense when you do it. The only times you've seen me before yesterday were when we fought. I imagine I look different... you do too."

"I think it's the women's clothing, " Luigi couldn't help but point out. Bowser snorted and soon the two were laughing like school boys on the playground. When they had laughed themselves out, a slow realization dawned on Luigi.

They were at war.  This was the leader of the army that was killing his fellow people everyday. What would Mario think? What about Peach? She wanted to see Bowser dead.  After what he'd seen the past day and a bit, he was pretty sure Bowser could be reformed. 

Luigi had a pretty good idea that Bowser was also thinking about their strange circumstances.  His smile began to slip and soon they were both serious again. 

"Does it have to be never?" Bowser's voice was almost a whisper but in the silence, Luigi knew he could hear the faintest hint of hope.

"What do you mean, never?" Luigi knew exactly what Bowser meant, but he couldn't be the first to say it. The suggestion behind it certainly broke several wartime laws in the Mushroom Kingdom.

"After Mario comes to get you, provided he doesn't kill me-

"He won't." Luigi would make sure of that.

"Could we talk again?" Bowser's hopeful tone seemed to increase.

Yes!  Luigi wanted to yell. Please!

But he knew better. Saying yes to further associating with the ruler of the opposing side of a decades long war was a recipe for disaster. He also had heard stories about Toads being lead to the castle with offers of peace only to be roasted at the door by a bloodthirsty king. However, with every minute spent with the antagonist of all of these horrific stories, Luigi was starting to question their validity. 

"Our Kingdoms are at war." He could feel his own face fall despite his best efforts to stay neutral.

Bowser's eyes suddenly lit up. "Your hand!"

"My-" Luigi cautiously peered down at his hand, worried it may be glowing again. "What about it?"

"My Kingdom has extensive magical knowledge, I could get my best magikoopa, Kamek,  to do more research into it and perhaps update you with results?"

"That could be done by private letter," Luigi started. "But I think for any major pieces of news, I think and in person conversation may be better."

As the two worked on the details together Luigi could feel fear and excitement both fighting to control his thoughts.  This was one of, if not the worst decision he'd ever made in his entire life.  But if he could become friends with the King, maybe he could also convince Bowser to stop the war and get Peach to lesson his sentence.  

A possible end to the war, the truth about his hand. Those were two very good reason. so good, in fact that he wouldn't even think about the other two.

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