A History Lesson

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Luigi paced back and forth in Peach's room.  He hadn't slept well the night before. Yesterday, he had agreed to stay in communication with Bowser after Mario came to get him.  That would likely be in about a day as Bowser had ordered the troopas to pretend to stop him but let him pass before an actual fight. 


Bowser's words had stuck with him.  While he wasn't helping Bowser win the war, he didn't think Peach would understand. What would he tell Peach when she asked about his time here?  She'd no doubt think he was tortured or held in a cage. 

What would he tell Daisy? She'd have to play cover for him with the letters and she certainly wouldn't if she knew the truth.

He was most worried about Mario. Mario could read him like a book.  He would never push for information but how would he react if he knew the truth?  Luigi thought he was doing the right thing but he and his brother didn't always see eye to eye.

He needed a distraction.  Right now.  He glanced at the clock,  there was still 8 hours until his dinner with Bowser.  At the dinner, they'd get both Kamek and Amakeshil on board with their plans and find a way to ensure Mario didn't kill Bowser. 

It was crazy to think how much Bowser trusted him already but that wine likely helped.  If he knew who made it, he'd like to thank them.  Sure, the wine made him say things he did not want Bowser to hear, he knew the wine was doing the same thing to the King.

The King.  He stopped his pacing. In all of the chaos of the last couple of days, he seemed to forget just how much power he had. Thinking back on his conversations, Luigi found himself in a rather unique position.  He was now a contact of both leaders. 

Double-Agent, he could hear Peach saying.  He shook his head.  Both leaders wanted peace. Maybe he could be an ambassador? Who was he kidding? Peach had once told him she wouldn't give herself the title of Queen until Bowser was dead.  Bowser had described her as his least favourite person.  Luigi almost laughed. Based on reputation it would seem like he had the names reversed. 

But both leaders seemed to want peace, though likely on very different terms.  There had to be something he could do.  He'd bring it up with Bowser at dinner or better yet, right now.  He doubted it would get him killed, the king seemed eager to have him alive.  He touched up his hair and mustache and straightened his new blue sweater Kamek made.   

A decision was made that Luigi wouldn't wear green because Kamek only had blue non-magic fabric. He had tried to make some kind of explanation about not wearing green but Amakeshil was standing in the same room and pointed out that both Bowser and themself had green shells. Luigi had thought it both brave and hilarious at the same time.  Amakeshil had also been appointed as Luigi's personal guard for the daytime. They'd actually volunteered which surprised and delighted the plumber.  He didn't think that he'd made as much of an impression as he did. 

Luigi knew Bowser had something going on and that was why their dinner was scheduled for later than normal but maybe he could catch him now.  Luigi burst out the door and was immediately grabbed by Amekeshil.  They had only reached out with one arm and were still leaning against the wall. They looked incredibly tired.

"Where are you going?" 

"To find Bo-His Majesty."

Amakeshil nodded.  "What for?"

"I have something I need to discuss with him, it can't wait for dinner."

The guard hadn't let go. "He's busy. It'll have to wait."

"It's very important. Please?" He was desperate. It could wait for dinner but now he wanted to know what Bowser was so busy with. 

Amakeshil scoffed. "Please doesn't work. You're a prisoner."

"What's he so busy with?" 

There was a pause as the koopa looked both ways down the hallway before dragging Luigi back into his room and shutting the door behind him. 

Luigi tore himself from the koopa's grasp. "What was that for?"

Amakeshil only scowled. "Look, I don't know what game you think you're playing but I won't sit by idily. If you kill Bowser, they'll be a worse tyrant in his place. If you're trying to find a way to get him to surrender, I want you to know that it will never happen. Too many of us would lose our homes and, " Luigi swore he heard the faintest voice crack. "families."

Before they could continue Luigi nodded.  "We need a Peace Treaty."

Amakeshil glared, "Tell your fucking Princess that. His Majesty has tried many times but her demands are outrageous."

Luigi could feel his mouth fall open.  "Wh-when did this happen?" Why didn't Peach say anything?

"Shortly after his coronation, before you came. She wouldn't listen and after years of trying he asked for a political marriage. She declined and I think the kidnapping began shortly after." They paused. "You didn't know?"

It didn't make any sense. Why would Peach withhold that information? Luigi sat down in the nearest chair trying to process. 

"When was Bowser's coronation?"

"His Majesty," Amakeshil corrected, "Was coronated about 8 years ago shortly before you arrived, but he's been in power for 16.  His father was killed in the war. Peach's father also was, his death was about 10 years ago."

"And how long has this war been going on?"

"Shortly after Morton Koopa Sr took to the throne,  about... 50 years ago, even Kamek, the King's most trusted advisor was only a young man."

Luigi placed his head in his hands for a few moments.  He really needed to ask Peach about all of this.  How old was Bowser, and what was his reason for waiting for his coronation? How could he, just a singular plumber, stop a war? He didn't know how long he'd been sitting there until Amakshil cleared their throat.

"Are you feeling well?" They inquired.

"Amakeshil. I need your help. I want a peaceful end to this war."

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