May I?

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This was gonna be it, huh? 

Bowser had been anxious about their plans but seeing Luigi like this, he felt pretty good.  

Luigi seemed a mixture of excited and nervous.  Bowser knew how close the Mario brothers were  and he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel a bit guilty about holding them apart in this way but it would be for the better. 

Suddenly, he knew what he had to say.  

"I'm sorry."

"What?" Luigi was caught off guard.

"About the kidnapping."

Luigi paused. "Do you ever apologize to Peach?"

"She won't talk to me," Bowser confessed.

"Why do you do it?"

Now it was Bowser's turn to pause.  There were many reasons but probably the biggest one was

"I don't know what else to do."

A silence fell between them as Luigi processed his words and Bowser added the finishing touches to his costume.

"Oh, shit" Luigi eventually murmured under his breath.

Now it was Bowser's time to be confused. He arched an eyebrow.

"Ah," Luigi blushed. "I didn't mean to say that out loud but here we are. It's too late to grab that history book, would you be able to get it to me somehow."

Bowser nodded. "It'll be no problem at all, if you need any other literature I can send it as well."

Luigi stopped him. "What do you mean, no problem?"

Bowser winked. "I've got spies everywhere, Green 'stache."

Luigi pursed his lips. It was clear he didn't like the idea but at the same time it was now to his benefit. Bowser would just have Enoki deliver it to him, they already knew each other after all.  Enoki was one of the princesses most trusted advisors, someone she thought she could count on but Bowser knew he could. Bowser chuckled to himself as he got back to work on the disguise.

"Do you think he'll believe it?"


"Does it look good?"

Yeah, he did. Bowser nodded before realizing that Luigi had meant the disguise.  Now was certainly not the time to go woolly-headed over a man he just met. Well, just met in this capacity. 

The disguise was pretty much good but it could use a few more touches.  Luigi's face was still perfectly clean. Bowser created more soot and rubbed some on his thumb.

"May I?" He raised his thumb up toward Luigi's face and the man nodded.

Bowser gently added some soot to his face. He could feel Luigi watching him, studying him.  It must be strange for him to see Bowser so gentle.  Bowser had to admit, he was a little shocked himself. He knew in his heart he could be but hardly had the chance to be around others. 

As he applied the soot to Luigi's cheek, Luigi finally managed to catch his gaze.  Bowser froze in place, his thumb lingering. Just like a few nights ago, when Luigi looked into his eyes, time seemed to stop.  His breath caught and he couldn't look away. Luigi's eyes were bluer than the ocean and Bowser could feel himself slipping underneath the waves. 

This was bad. This was very very bad. 

Or was it?

Luigi didn't seem to be pulling away, as Bowser's heart raced.

He tried to think clearly about this, he was an evil tyrant, a monster and Luigi was an intelligent and dangerous man.  For a brief moment, he wondered if this could be a tactic but that would be too risky for Luigi. Bowser was feared by his people, Luigi ignored by his. They were both misunderstood, lonely, and here. 

Being with Luigi Mario, it was worth a shot right?

What was there to lose? It's not like he'd ever get this chance again, it really was now or never.

Just as he had during their first interrogation, Bowser gently traced his claw from Luigi's cheek to his jaw.  This time careful not to hurt him, this time he gently tilted Luigi's chin up to face him. Luigi shivered, just as he had before but this time it felt different.

He stalled. This was insane. 

And yet, there was Luigi, his eyes wide and unreadable. He was thinking. After a moment that was probably milliseconds, Luigi swallowed as he seemed to have made up his mind.

Bowser expected him to push away but Luigi's face relaxed into a smile as he briefly glanced down to Bowser's maw. Once he had returned his gaze to Bowser's eyes he gently reached a hand to the side of his face. 

"May I?" He asked gently in Koopa.

If Bowser was just slipping under the waves before, he was drowning in the depths of the ocean now. Even though words were failing him, he couldn't stop his gentle nod if he'd tried.

Luigi gently leaned in closing his eyes and Bowser followed.

Their lips brushed once. Twice.

Was this really happening?


They both broke apart as if the space between them had been struck by lightning.  Kamek had thankfully announced his entrance before entering and was just now opening the door. 

Bowser glanced over at Luigi, who was looking quite shocked next to him.  His hand, surprisingly wasn't starting to glow. 

Luigi looked back and suddenly began giggling. To Bowser, it sounded like the tinkling of champagne flutes but it soon turned into a hearty guffaw.  Bowser loved it even more and was unable to stop himself from joining in. 

Kamek stared at them both quizzically as they tried to regain their composure but another look at each other sent them into another bout of laughter. 

"This is all well and good you two," Kamek started.  He was trying to be stern but was amused at the scene in front of him.  Bowser's sides hurt.  "But I do have to send Luigi to his brother now."

That sobered them up. Both were still smiling but the laughter was contained. Bowser felt certain he'd see Luigi again, off the battlefield. He nodded, deciding to keep their conversation in Koopa while they still could. 

"I'll be in touch with you soon."

Luigi positively beamed. "I look forward to it, your Majesty." He turned to Kamek. "I'm ready."

Kamek nodded and with a *Poof* Luigi was gone.

Unconsciously Bowser lifted a hand up to his maw. He was still in shock. Stars, what was that?  Out of all the possible outcomes he thought of after kidnapping the man.  This wasn't even one of them.

Across the room, Kamek cackled. 

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