I've got the magic in me?

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Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

What was he thinking?! Why did he talk back to a Bowser of all people? Now he was going to die for his mistake.


The Magikoopa from before, whose name was presumably Kamek, returned. After a quick survey of the situation, he sighed and shook his head.

"Sire," Kamek's voice wasn't a shout but it was quite stern. It was spoken in a tone Luigi had never heard anyone speak to the King. It sounded almost like a disappointed father. "Put him down."

Bowser growled but slightly loosened his grip. Luigi gulped in air, unsure how long he'd have it.

"We don't need you murdering Mario's brother, Your Impulsiveness." Kamek suddenly did a double take. "How did he even get here? Why is he dressed up as- oh."

"He's got a strong magic on him," Bowser stated.

What?! Since when?

Kamek flew closer and Luigi instinctively tried to pull away. It was hard to tell what the magikoopa was thinking, his glasses were almost completely opaque. He eventually smiled.

"Sire, if I may, I'd love to investigate further in my lab before removing whatever magic is on him."

Bowser grunted. "Please do. I've never seen anything like it."

He squinted at Luigi and gave him a once over. Luigi squirmed under the intense scrutiny. When would Mario get here?

Without warning, Bowser dropped Luigi. The plumber squeaked and braced for impact. It never came. He opened his eyes slowly. He hadn't realized he shut them. He was suspended in the air in a bubble of Kamek's making.

"Let me know when you're done, I need to interrogate him properly." Bowser glared at Luigi before stomping out of the cell.

Luigi gulped and slowly turned his face toward Kamek. He'd prefer to fully face him but he was still trapped.

"Please don't hurt me?" He weakly smiled at Kamek.

"I won't unless you try to hurt me. Deal?"

Luigi nodded quickly.

"Come along, Luigi." Kamek had no reason to tell the man as he dragged him along in his bubble.

"You know my name?" Luigi was shocked. Bowser didn't but his advisor did?

"Of course I do,  you're the brains behind the Mario Brothers and of course, King Boo always has something to say about you every time he comes around."

Luigi was torn between being flattered and afraid.  In Toad Town and in the Mushroom Kingdom he was largely regarded as player 2, a coward and a lesser version of his brother.  The only ones who didn't feel that way he could count on one hand.  But the idea that King Boo visited here from time to time was terrifying. And that fact that he ranted and raved about Luigi made the hair on the back of his neck.

"K-King B-B-Boo comes he-here?" He trembled.

Kamek tilted his head slightly observing Luigi with curiosity. "Yes. King Bowser and King Boo are allies. They visit each other."

Luigi tried to calm his panic by taking deep breaths.  It was his most easily accessible way to calm down. He knew that if he wasn't able to calm his brain would go into fight or flight again and he'd try to escape but he was in a bubble and stuck so he'd try to fight and get himself in more trouble and possibly even killed and-

"We're here," Kamek announced as he guided Luigi into his lab.  Unlike the greys and reds of the rest of the castle, it was brightly lit and full of pastels. In the front section there was a desk with an open book, a couple of scrolls and an ink well. The back section of the lab was full of tubes, beakers, burners and strange chemicals. It was a bit overwhelming but looked extremely organized. As Luigi scanned the room, he noticed an operating table, similar to those seen in autopsy rooms and morgues.  His panic began to increase as he was floated toward it.

"W-w-what are you going to do to me?" He tried to sound brave but his stutter caused Kamek to pause. 

"I'm going to assess the magic on you, then remove it, " he seemed to notice Luigi's panic. "I need you to take a couple of deep breaths for me.  I'm not going to hurt you unless you try to hurt me, remember?"

Luigi did as he was told. He tried to use the sensation of the cool examination table through his skirts to ground himself. Even though he didn't fully believe the elderly magikoopa bustling around the lab, he did know that if he didn't gain some bit of control things could somehow get worse than they already were. 

Kamek approached him with a strange instrument in his hand.  It looked like a mix between a bubble wand, a magnifying glass and a staff.  He noticed Luigi staring at it.

"This will help me to see the magic on you.  It won't hurt at all. I promise." He was being way too kind. It was strange to receive kindness like this from anyone other than Mario, Peach, or Daisy.  It was even stranger still to receive it in enemy territory while technically being a prisoner. 

Kamek hummed and hawed as he examined Luigi. 

"So tell me, Luigi. Who put this spell on you?"

Someone had put a spell on him? Had Kamek actually found some magic? Where would that have come from?

"No one?"

"I see, I see. And did they tell you how long it would affect you?"


"Did they say it would be dangerous to remove forcibly?"

"No?" Luigi was starting to panic again. "Is there a spell on me? If there is I don't know how. I swear I'm not trying to trick you, I just want to go home." He choked back a sob.  He really needed a moment alone to gain composure. It was almost like Kamek could sense this.

"Ok.  Stay here, Luigi," with his own wand back in hand, Kamek conjured up some ropes around his wrists and ankles. They were snug but not too tight. "I'll be right back."

With a quick nod, he poofed out of the room.

Luigi took the time to properly survey his surroundings.  Kamek's lab seemed to be almost more alchemical than magical.  It seemed very well organized to the point that if there was an accident in one part of the lab, walls would shut and contain it only to that section.  The desk only had one book, suggesting Kamek kept only what he needed in the lab. If only the Toads were that smart. Luigi bit his tongue. He loved the toads but sometimes he got really annoyed with them.  He kept it to himself though, it'd be mean to say something like that to the poor creatures. He could just imagine Peach's face if he were to so much as glare at a toad. He nearly laughed.

Nearly. It was very very close but he was still sitting on an examination table deep within enemy territory, dressed as Peach, being accused of having some magic on him and,  having a promise from Bowser that his interrogation wasn't over. This was so bad it was almost comical.  It was unfortunate enough to make him laugh at his own predicament. Funny how that was the thing to make him crack. 

He let himself chuckle for a bit then he took one more deep breath and steadied himself better on the examination table.  He was going to survive this and get home to Mario. Bowser better be ready for the next bout of questioning because Luigi sure as hell would be. 

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