Father, Son

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Bowser sat in his private sitting room, staring out onto vast expanses of the Darklands. His lands.  

What the hell had just happened?

 He tried to run it over in his head. He went to talk to the princess, to find out why she was so aggressive this time around.  It turned out not to be the princess but the Green One- Luigi. His name was Luigi.  But he was different.  Or was he? 

Bowser had never really interacted that closely with the man.  He never fought with Bowser alone.   Bowser thought he was a coward but had always wondered how such a scared person could take on King Boo all by himself? And he did seem to do quite a thorough job at dispatching his troops.  He used just enough force to get the job done, it was almost methodical the way he worked.  Like it was his job.

The King paused.  Luigi didn't have the same anger or passion Mario had toward kicking Bowser's ass or fighting but he would do whatever it took to get the job done. Bowser almost admired him for it.  Almost.

He shook his head. Back to the train of thought at hand. Luigi had said that his disguise and capture were not a plan of the Mushroom Kingdom. He then proceeded to panic and tell Bowser anything he asked.  He had told of... what had he said?  Bowser couldn't remember a word of what he'd said while rambling. He could only remember the way his mustache twitched every time he bit his lip and the dewy shine of his eyes before a tear would fall.  He felt incredibly guilty.

There it was! The spell! It was making him forget Luigi's words and making him feel like the man wasn't deserving of his treatment. 

But then Luigi had snapped. Maybe the spell had also made him brave... or an idiot.  He had yelled at Bowser while in his grasp with no escape!  He insulted him!  The man was crazy.  He either had a death wish or- 


Kamek appeared next to him on the balcony. Bowser immediately wiped the smile off his face.  

Why was he smiling? 

 "Any updates on the prisoner?" The effects of the spell must be very strong considering he still felt them even now.

"Sire, what exactly did the spell do to you?" Kamek asked carefully.

Bowser huffed.  The spell was frustrating him it was, "making me feel like I can't hurt him," he mumbled.

"Anything else?"

"I can't remember anything he said.  Only what he looked like while saying it."

Kamek nodded, a knowing smirk appearing on his beak. "Is that all?"

Bowser glared at him.  He knew he couldn't hide anything from Kamek.  The man raised him, he knew when Bowser was lying or withholding information.


"What? I didn't hear you, I'm getting old," the mage was lying and Bowser knew it.  He rolled his eyes and grumbled.

"Not like that, you old fossil. It's making me feel a sense of respect toward him. Even though he disarms troops hardly breaking a sweat,  even though he yelled at me.  He called me a bastard? Can you believe that? Yelled. At me?!"

Kamek let out his signature cackle. Bowser arched an eyebrow. He was laughing with him, right? When did the king start smiling again? He brought himself back to a scowl.

"It's not funny, Dad. This magic feels incredibly strong. You found out what it is right?"

Kamek struggled to regain control. "Oh, it's strong, alright."

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Kamek, I swear-"

"Son, there's no magic on him."

"What?" Bowser's jaw dropped. Luigi was just like that?  "Is he magical?"

"I'm glad you asked," Kamek smiled. It was clear he was in teaching mode.  All he needed was a chalkboard and it would be right back to his homeschooling lessons. Bowser groaned but part of him was genuinely curious about what kind of magic the seemingly ordinary (if not crazy) human had in him.

"Yes, he is magical but, not the kind you're talking about."


"Hush, hush. No interruptions. You're lucky I came in when I did.  Luigi seems to have some kind of dormant magic in him.  If provoked he could launch some kind of attack.  I don't know quite what it is but it could definitely hurt you. I suggest-"

"Does he know about this?" Bowser cut in. This was all so fascinating, Luigi was just so interesting.

"What did I say about interruptions?" Kamek lightly smacked his son with his staff. "No, he doesn't. At least not to my knowledge. If he knew about it, he probably could have killed several of the koopas and goombas who kidnapped him. "

"Kill? How-"

Kamek glared at him. The King shut his mouth.

"It would have been one hit kills. Anyway," he continued like he hadn't just dropped a major bob-ombshell. "as I was saying. I suggest that while he is here we try to keep his stay as comfortable as possible.  Treat him like a POW block.  I am going to move him out of the dungeons and settle him in a guest room. I will also try-"

"Give him Peach's room."


"It's the most comfortable room besides the family rooms."

"Yes. He also hasn't eaten since he's been here. I'm going to give him food and I suggest not interrogating him f-"

"I have to. He's still a prisoner and he has valuable information. Stars,  he could even be a hostage for when Mario arrives-"

Kamek rolled his eyes. "If you would let me finish, Bowser, I was saying that you hold off for at least tonight. He's under a lot of stress and he hasn't eaten or slept in at least twenty hours. I want, for your own safety, you to stay away from her until at least tomorrow noon."

"My own safety? No one can hurt me, I'm the King of the Koopas," Bowser growled.

"Yes you are son but, both Mario and Luigi have hurt you in the past. Without whatever magic this is. Luigi has also defeated King Boo on multiple occasions without this magic. He's still dangerous.  Leave him alone, son. At least until tomorrow."

Bowser scowled. He knew Kamek was right but he wanted to see Luigi now more than ever.  Knowing he was dangerous in a powerful, yet mysterious way.  He was intrigued, he wouldn't deny that.

"Fine. But I will be speaking to him tomorrow."

"Of course." Kamek nodded and disappeared to go get Luigi settled.

Bowser was in shock. No spell was cast on him? What the hell was that? And what kind of magic did he have? The King wanted to know but he also knew he shouldn't push him.  The last thing his people needed was the death of their King.  He had to put his people before his curiosity. Perhaps, he'd visit the hospital wing before he got ready for bed.

He'd do that. It would also get him ready for tomorrow.  He needed to check the state of his injured troops before he decided just what he needed to talk to Luigi about.

No matter what, he'd be ready for that interrogation and no amount of Luigi's magic would be able to dissuade him from the truth.

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