The Meeting

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After the magikoopa had left, Luigi did his best to keep it together but going hungry all day it was hard.

It started as little sniffs that later became muffled sobs.

He'd never felt so scared before, not even when dealing with King Boo in the haunted mansions. In the mansions, he had a goal, a mission. Here he could only wait. He could only hope Mario would be there soon.

 No sooner had he wiped the last tear off his face when he heard the cell door slam open.

"Alright, Princess. You've got some explaining to do." Bowser's voice echoed through the cell.

This was, quite simply, the worst person to walk through that cell door.  Luigi wasn't ready to die yet. He had so much to live for.  He had Kart races to win, sports to play, and tea with Mario and the princesses.  He had to live, his gardens would die without him. He-

"Still nothing to say, huh?"  Bowser growled and took a step closer.

Luigi was shaking like a leaf.  He shook his head and tried to cower further into the corner.

Wait.  He heard the door open.  He never heard it close.  Bowser could have left the door open! He almost jumped for joy! King Bowser left the door open! He could escape! He tried to subtly peak but he knew it was do or die. Or maybe do and die but there wasn't much time to think about it.

It was certain death now, he was willing to make a gamble.

Luigi quickly turned around and dove through Bowser's legs causing the beast to roar in surprise. He'd just about made it to the door... He was going to be free!

Unfortunately for Luigi, he wasn't used to ball gowns.  As he tried to turn out of the room, he felt Peach's dress snag on the door frame.  He yanked and pulled as hard as he could but the princess's dresses seemed to be made of the strongest fabric around.  It wouldn't tear.

He was stuck. 

I guess this is it. He thought to himself as Bowser grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

He looked up in terror as his gaze met the flaming red eyes of the Koopa King. Bowser glared and leaned down, pressing Luigi against the wall.  Luigi squirmed and tried to break free but he was held fast.

He scrunched his eyes shut as Bowser twirled his mustache.  The Koopa King narrowed his eyes. 


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