The Koopa Council

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After lunch, was the second round of meetings.  The more serious round.  It was time to discuss the war.  It was always custom to conclude with war strategy as it gave guards more time to find spies and ensured that any late arrivals could attend the most important part.

Bowser was surprised but pleased that Jago, Ambassador to the Mushroom Kingdom was able to make it.  Ambassador was a fairly inaccurate term. He was a spy, and so was his partner, a toad named Enoki.  The Mushroom Kingdom knew of their existence but not that they were spying.  They thought Jago was simply a messenger and Enoki was well-trusted in the Mushroom Kingdom.  Their relationship and young koopaling, Larry were a well-kept secret, Even the other Lords, Ladies, and Lieges didn't know. 

Until today.  Jago had brought Larry because Enoki was extremely busy with all of the chaos in the Mushroom Kingdom right now.  Jago didn't say anything but one look told Bowser he already knew about Luigi.  He'd let Bowser share but Bowser knew if he said nothing Jago would announce it at the end of the meeting.

It was not surprising to Bowser that the family living in the Icelands didn't make it. That was where the worst fighting of the war was now. It seemed like the Mushroom Kingdom had to keep their resources to one battle. The Koopa Kingdom was the same. The penguins had been neutral but the King there had decided to harvest Ice Flowers for the Mushroom Kingdom and Bowser was not going to let that slide. (No pun intended)

Unfortunately for Bowser, his aunt, Lady Luella Koopa of the Rocklands attended. Even worse, she didn't come alone.  She had brought along her children Morton Koopa Jr and Marble. Bowser had no issues with Marble but Morton Jr? That was another story.

Bowser didn't have any personal problems with Morton Jr.  He wasn't the type to have animosity toward a child. It was Lady Luella's fault he existed.  Back when Bowser was in his early teens before he was coronated but still a time when he was making all of the decisions, he had confessed to his aunts that he didn't want to start a family until the war was over. Maybe his aunts were very worried or maybe they were just crazy but they had kept a strand of hair from Bowser's father.  That strand they then used to create a clone of the old King.  Even worse, they gave him the same name. 

 Technically, Morton Jr was blood-related and therefore an heir but Bowser had yet to officially recognize him as one.  Bowser still had yet to name an official heir, and so the unofficial ranking had Morton Jr as third in line.  

This enraged his aunts who often claimed that they had worked so hard to create him and were doing what was best for the Kingdom.  They also often claimed Bowser was a terrible King and was too soft, a word that only they had likely ever thought.

His aunts always pushed for more violence, more killing, less mercy.  It was easy for them to say, their lands were right next to the Darklands and virtually untouched by the war.  Those on the frontlines were willing to do anything to end the war, surrendering had even been brought up once.

It was actively discussed, much to the anger of the Rocklands, Waterlands, the Vons, and the ambassadors of Kong Country.  In the end, it was decided that surrender was much too risky. There was no guarantee Princess Peach would be merciful and Bowser knew that she would kill him at any chance she got.  It was only fair unless she was a better person than he and broke the cycle. He doubted it. 

For the afternoon portion of the meetings, it was only leaders and their consorts.  All the children, including the adults, were in another room altogether. 

Bowser cleared his throat and addressed the room. 

"As you all know, we have captured Sarasaland.  Their leader, Princess Daisy," Bowser suppressed a shiver. He did not like that woman. She was fierce and during the battle had to be dragged away from the frontlines by her own soldiers to ensure she didn't die. "Has been confirmed alive."

Jago nodded. Bowser continued. 

"The battle in the Icelands is continuing, there is no clear victory ahead but it does not look like we are losing."

"We should attack the Kongs before they also betray us, there is a higher level of toads there, is there not?" Lady Luella predictably chimed in.

"The Kongs are neutral, despite the overflow of toads. If anything they're annoyed." Ambassador Orneo countered.

"An attack there would be useless," Bowser cut in before the two could escalate.  "The Mushroom Kingdom is fortifying the area.  They believe our next attack will be there."

"How did you know that," Jago accidentally blurted out. "I haven't confirmed." He then suddenly realized and his jaw dropped.

"I'm glad you brought that up," Bowser gloated. "That information comes from Luigi Mario, himself."

Around the room, the other leaders followed Jago with expressions of shock and small gasps.  Luigi was known throughout the Koopa Kingdom as one of the Mushroom Kingdom's largest threats. 

"His kidnapping and capture have Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom in a frenzy," Jago confirmed what the others had been wondering.  "We could use this."

Having Luigi in his custody was something that had never happened before.  King Boo, one of the allies of the Koopa Kingdom had caught Mario in the past but no one had yet to capture Luigi.

"Kill him," was the immediate, and unsurprising response from Lady Luella. 

"I think he's more valuable alive, " Lord Noam Von opposed. "Keep him hostage. I'll bet Mario would be willing to do anything to get his brother back."

"That's true, " Bowser smirked. "But I have something better."

The council looked doubtful and Bowser knew he had to embellish the truth a little bit. He knew no matter what he said, Kamek would back him up.

"Let's just say,  the Koopa Kingdom has gained a powerful ally."

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