The Interrogation

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"You," Bowser repeated.

He knew this guy, but he couldn't quite place his claw on how. He certainly wasn't Peach and it wasn't Mario... who was this guy?

The man under him had tensed all of his muscles and had now let out a small whimper.

He'd heard that fearful noise before.


He'd fought against him with his brother (and lost but he wasn't going to think about that right now.)

What was this guy's name? The Koopa quickly racked his brain for all he knew of the man.

He was Mario's brother. He was more focused on his mission of saving the princess than fighting Bowser. King Boo hated him with a passion. He wore green.

That had to be it.

"Green Mario?" He tried to say it in his most authoritative tone but it came out like a question.

Greenie blinked, a quick flash of confusion crossing his face.

Well, shit.

Forget the name. This imposter ruined his plans.

It did explain why Peach seemed to be acting unusual.

"You've got even more explaining to do." He traced his claw from the end of the prisoner's mustache to his jawline.

Green Mario audibly gulped, there was something about this man cowering that Bowser thoroughly enjoyed.

"How did you know I was going to kidnap the Princess last night?! Who told you of my plans?" The king let his claw trace down the cowering human's jaw until it reached his chin.

Blue eyes followed his claw and the man seemed to shiver.


"Nothing to say, huh?"

The younger Mario Brother attempted to respond but all that came out was a "I- n-n- we- n-n-o."

"Answer me properly.  While you're here in the Darklands, I am your King and you will speak clearly to me. Is that understood?" The dragon turtle pushed the claw into the flesh under his captive's chin just enough to cause a trickle of blood.

"Yes, sir."

Bowser blinked. That was the clearest thing he'd ever heard this man say to him. Possibly ever. He wanted to hear it again.


Wait what?

Did this man have some kind of magic on him? He'd ask Kamek about it later. It seemed like a small enough amount that he'd be able to handle it for a few more minutes.

He released his claw as the man whimpered. He forgot how delicate humans are.

"So, " Bowser tried another name attempt. "Greenie."

Greenie arched an eyebrow.

"How did you know of my plans?" He let a little bit of smoke escape his nostrils.

The man underneath him tried to shrink down but was stopped by Bowser tightening his grip.

"I didn't know about your plans, I promise! We were just having a costume party and I dressed up as Peach as a joke and I was just getting ready for bed, if we knew this was you we - I would have at least had a mask on." The frightened man continued to ramble on about how the Mushroom Kingdom was actually watching the Kong Country and fortifying there assuming that was Bowser's next attack.  They were confused as to why Bowser had been almost in hiding for the past few months.

Bowser listened.  Was this man really giving up everything? This was really easy. Too easy.  He asked a few more questions he already knew the answer to.  The man answered them and then some.  

This had to be a setup of some kind right?

"Ok... Green 'stache..." 

Judging by the look on the man's face that wasn't his name either. 

"It's about time you told me the truth." He made sure to show his fangs as he pressed his face almost touching the human. Bowser needed him more scared.

It was working. Not-Green-'stache looked like he was trying to take deep breaths to calm himself down. He had closed his eyes.

"I'm telling the truth, please." He whimpered.

"I don't believe you, " the dragon-turtle whispered.

Suddenly, the man's eyes flew open and he glared at Bowser.

"What do you want me to say? That we knew your plans? Do you want me to start making things up to make you happy? I can do that! I can tell you all about how we were planning this for months and that's why on the night of I wasn't wearing a mask and used my own room.  Did you not take a moment to think about why Princess Peach was in my room and not her own? You also didn't clue in when Peach was fighting? Peach knows you won't hurt her.  I don't so I fought for my life and I will continue to do so.  You say you have spies around Mushroom Castle?"

Bowser's jaw almost dropped and he pulled back leaving a hand holding onto the prisoner. Where had this little Green Bean been hiding his spine?

"O-of course I do!" Did this man just make him stutter? What the hell was going on? There had to be some kind of magic spell on him.

"Then you'd have known to kidnap the person dressed as Princess Daisy. You'd also know my name."

"I know your name."

"What is it?"


"What's my name, Bowser? If you had any spies, even the worst spy would be able to tell you my fucking name."

Bowser had to really think about this. Every single name in existence had fled his mind faster than a kicked koopa.  He was floundering. What was this spell? it was incredibly strong he needed help.

The green human seemed to somehow get more angry. "My name is Luigi, you thick-headed bastard!"


Bowser stared down at the man for a moment, mentally testing out the name.


Did Luigi just insult him?! King Bowser Koopa of the Koopa Kingdom?!

Bowser glared at Luigi  (Luigi) and lifted him up by his neck slamming him into the wall harder than before.

The human let out a squawk and his eyes widened, all of his previous bravado had instantly disappeared as he gripped onto Bowser's hand.

"S-s-sorry... I... didn't... mean... it!" He squeaked.

Bowser felt a pang in his gut, he wanted so badly to put this human down.  What was coming over him? He only knew of one person who could explain the strong magic that had been placed on Luigi. It was getting unbearable.


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