Serious Matters

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If someone had told Bowser a few days ago that he would accidentally kidnap Luigi and instead of fighting, they ended up getting along and making plans to secretly communicate, he'd probably have been bewildered.

Not that he wasn't shocked right now.  It was hard to believe what was happening but Luigi seemed to be fully unafraid of him now.  Maybe he could actually help him out. He seemed to be willing enough to want to talk again.  But maybe this was his way to forget thinking about the war.  Bowser wished he could but as long as his people were dying he had to keep it on his mind. 

They devised the plan that Bowser's letters would say they were from Princess Daisy.  That way Peach and Mario would make them priority and wouldn't look too closely before delivering them.  The letters would be delivered through a spy who would give them to the toads at the castle. Luigi glared at that but Bowser pointed out that it was the only way and he shouldn't be too shocked that some toads were on his side. After all half the koopas were scared of him because of Mushroom Kingdom Propaganda.

"You sure it has nothing to do with the fangs and fire-breath?" Luigi pointed out.

"Every Koopa King has had fire breath, it's not new. It's a royal bloodline thing."

Luigi leaned forward and rested his chin in his hands. "Tell me more?"

Bowser wanted to tell him, the way he stared up at him expectantly was so damn cu- clever.  It was clever because Bowser was a sucker for a pretty fa- sharp mind.  But he couldn't. Not now.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that, Greenie.  We're still at war."

"After the war?"

"If I'm not dead."

"Is that how you see it ending?" He asked softly.  Bowser didn't know.  He found it hard to imagine a world at peace or even just a world without war. He knew Luigi and Mario came from another world.  That happened sometimes.  Did he know what that looked like?  He had to ask.

"What's peace like?"  He hoped Luigi didn't hear the crack in his voice but one look at the man said otherwise.  For a moment, he sat still, then, like the night before, placed his hand on Bower's. His answer was quieter than the question.

"I wish I knew."  He didn't try to pressure an answer out of him or try to feed him a lie.  It made sense, why would the twins stay here in this world if theirs was so much better?

"I want to know."

Before Luigi could respond to his confession, Kamek appeared with a poof.

"I haven't heard a single roar are you-" He stared at the spot on the floor where Luigi had his hand resting on Bowsers.  "Oh-"

Luigi sprung into action and yanked his hand away. "No, no. He was just helping me with my hand, I swear."

Bowser held his breath as Kamek chewed on the idea.  It didn't look like his father believed him but agreed that it was plausible.

"Would you like me to have a look?"

Luigi nodded. Kamek looked to Bowser for approval, who also nodded. It didn't appear Luigi was going to try anything.  Especially after the exchange they'd just had. 

Kamek muttered to himself as he studied Luigi's hand. He pulled out a bag of his magical studying tools and began to prod him.  The man in question exhaled blowing some of his hair out of his eyes.  Maybe those silly little hats did have a purpose.  He shot Bowser a cheeky smile, no doubt proud of his little ruse.

Luigi's quick thinking was impressive to see when it was on his side for a change. Luigi himself was also quite impressive, despite being not much larger than a koopa, he'd been the bane of Bowser's army since shortly after his arrival.  It wasn't that Mario wasn't a threat. He certainly was, he was likely more physically strong and he was the only person who could defeat Bowser in a one on one fight to date. However, there was a reason it was always a one on one fight. 

"Quite curious." Kamek's comment brought him out of his admiration. He was allowed to admire Luigi. He was an impressive foe. "Luigi, does your brother have any sort of power."

"He uses power ups, but you know that." A purposefully short answer.

"That isn't what I meant."

"I can't tell you that."

Kamek nodded, he was never one for interrogating anyone outside his family.  "For the sake of my research I'll assume he does. Whether he knows it or not doesn't matter. Does that sound fair?"

Luigi shrugged. 

"Does it hurt you?"

"No, it feels like I hit my funny bone." Bowser had never heard of that term before but it seemed Kamek had in his readings about humans. 

Kamek nodded and floated to the other side of the room and gestured for Bowser to follow him, making sure Luigi couldn't hear. "I have a couple of theories but I will need time and ... If it's not too much, maybe we grab him instead of Peach next time?"

Bowser smiled. "I think that can be arranged."

"I'm going to go read up on my theory. Good luck with the prisoner , sire." Kamek gave extra emphasis on Luigi's role and disappeared. 

Immediately Luigi looked expectantly at Bowser, "Well, what did he say."

"Nothing I didn't say before, Greenie. He's gonna look into it and then we'll kidnap you for either more testing or the answer. "

"Kidnap me?" Luigi squeaked.

"Don't worry, I'll have the troops be more gentle, as long as you don't attack them." 

Luigi leaned back against the wall again. "I also can't imagine Peach would be thrilled with me being a willing participant in this."

Bowser returned to Luigi's side as he realized just how dangerous what they were planning was. Not necessarily for himself but for the plumber. 

"Luigi," He needed to know. "I don't know what the laws are exactly in the Mushroom Kingdom but what we're thinking of doing here is quite possibly treasonous."

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