1: The Club

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The music was loud, but his hearing had adjusted to the volume. Harlan Briggs was dancing in some warehouse covered in LED lights and sweat. He needed to let loose. With everything that has been going on lately with the forest fire, two newly bitten werewolves, and his possible biological father ripping people apart, Harlan needed a break.

He continued dancing, feeling the bass in his chest as the music thundered on. He looked around briefly while continuing to hop to the tempo when a man caught his eye.

He stood a few yards away from Harlan lightly moving to the music. He was shirtless with his skin glistening with sweat. His muscles beautifully blended in with each other under his smooth skin. His hair was a little wet and bounced a little when he moved. He wore light shorts and a chain around his neck that shimmered in the strobe lights.

Harlan has seen this man before, at the police station. Harlan thought he was cute when they made eye contact for a little longer than he was comfortable with. He felt butterflies in his stomach, but it could've been the nerves of being in custody.

The other man looked over his shoulder to catch Harlan staring at him. He showed a quick and subtle smile and then continued moving around. Harlan felt the butterflies again. Weird, he thought. He's not used to feeling like this.

Harlan doesn't date for many reasons. He usually just hooks up with people to get his mind off things. He could actually use someone right now, but this felt different.

A Few Hours Later

Harlan sauntered over to the bar to grab a drink to cool off. He just got a small soda and slipped a few dollars on the counter. He popped the top and took a sip. Refreshing, he thought. Then he noticed that just down the bar was the man already looking at him from where he also had a drink in hand. Harlan moved to walk toward him. He might as well meet him.

"How many times are you gonna stare at me from across the room without saying hi?" Harlan asked.

"Hi." The other man replied.

Harlan smiled, his voice sounding better than he imagined. It was warm and welcoming.

"I'm Harlan."

"Cyrus, nice to meet you."

After some small talk and occasional sipping of beverages, the pair ended up in the front seat of an old fire truck parked close to the main dance floor. Harlan let the conversation take them wherever. They talked about girlfriends and boyfriends. He listened to Cyrus talk about his lighter, the only thing he had from his father as he lit a joint. Harlan wanted a smoke. Instead of giving the joint to Harlan, Cyrus blew his exhaust into his mouth. Harlan inhaled. Cyrus then moved in, and their lips grazed. Harlan leaned into it as well, brushing his lips over the other man. They were very soft and tasted slightly of honey. The two men moved in sync while they made out in the fire truck.

This didn't feel like a hook up to Harlan. This was different. Cyrus was very attractive, and Harlan wouldn't mind getting down and dirty with him, but while they kissed, it felt like more. Harlan was timid, yet curious about where this might lead for the both of them. He had no idea.

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now