32: The Explanation

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Most of the pack was in the kitchen and dining room when Harlan and Cyrus made their way downstairs. Harlan could hear that Blake and Danny were still asleep in the guest room down the hall. Since everyone was on the same page, the pack practically lived at the Briggs home. Harlan wasn’t a huge fan of it, but it was nice to have more company.

“What do you want, babe?” Harlan asked, looking toward Cyrus.

“Toast is fine.” Cyrus said.

“Are you sure? After all that s***y juvie food I’d be happy to make you something.” Harlan asked.

“More like make me make you something.” Luna interjected as she ate more of her eggs. “Harlan is actually pathetic in the kitchen.”

Cyrus laughed and patted Harlan on the shoulder. Harlan gave Lune a death glare as she smiled at him.

“As entertaining as that would be, toast if fine for now.” Cyrus said.

Harlan looked relieved as he got a few slices of bread out and plopped them into the toaster. Harlan moved to the pantry to get some jams and jellies. Cyrus sat at a bar stool by the kitchen island.

“Sleep well?” Everett asked.

“Yeah, never better.” Cyrus replied as he watched Harlan blush.

“Hey Harlan, could I have a word?” Garrett said, peaking around the corner from the hall.

“Coming.” Harlan answered as he left the kitchen.

Harlan followed his dad down the hall and into the office where Ramsey was waiting. Even though she freed Cyrus. She was the reason he was there in the first place, and he still didn’t like her. No way in hell was he going to call her mom.

“Good morning, Harlan.” she said with a smile.

“Morning.” Harlan replied. “What is this about?”

“This is about Cyrus.” Ramsey said.

“No, leave him alone.” Harlan said, already getting a little heated.

“Harlan, please hear her out.” Garrett asked from across his desk.

Harlan moved to sit in one of the chairs next to Ramsey. He didn’t know where this was going, but he knew he didn’t like it one bit.

“Are you familiar with mates?” she asked.

Harlan immediately knew what this was about. He heard them talking last night while Cyrus was in the shower. Harlan had to admit he was curious.

“Vaguely.” Harlan responded.

“Mates are predestined pairings of werewolves. Like soulmates but more firm in its actuality.” Ramsey continued. “We have reason to believe that Cyrus is your mate.”

Harlan blushed immediately at the thought but quickly got defensive.

“Even if he is, I don’t want you involved.” Harlan said.

“That’s not your choice to make considering the consequences of this bond.” Ramsey said. “Cyrus is human, and he should be turned.”

Harlan jumped out of his chair with his hands in fists.

“Don’t you dare try anything on him!” Harlan said loudly. “You will not touch him, or I swear to god I’ll…”

“Cyrus could get hurt.” Garrett interrupted.

Harlan stopped talking and looked at him for answers. He couldn’t bear the thought of Cyrus getting hurt. He had to keep him safe, even from himself if he had to.

“Because of your bond, Cyrus will feel the full moon, he’ll feel it when you shift, but because he’s human, Cyrus’ body will not be able to adapt to those effects like yours can.” Garrett said.

“It can cause him fits of pain and extreme fatigue.” Ramsey said. “If he was a werewolf like you, he could adapt and won’t experience those things.”

Harlan sat back down, realizing the severity of this situation. The boy he’s in love with, who is probably his lifelong mate, could experience extreme sickness because Harlan is a werewolf and he’s human. This was so messed up. Harlan didn’t want to turn Cyrus. He wanted him to stay human, but he’d be in pain. Pain caused by Harlan.

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now