38: The Discovery

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They stood in silence, alone in the stables. The same stables where Harlan hid Cyrus from the law, the same stables where they made promises, and now where Cyrus learned the truth. Harlan was a monster.

Cyrus stood at the door frozen. He looked over at his boyfriend. Harlan had claws, he had fangs, and his eyes were glowing a bright shade of yellow. Cyrus was shocked. Then he noticed something more. Behind the claws, fangs, and glowing eyes, he looked scared.

“Harlan?” Cyrus whispered.

Harlan took a step back and held his hands up to his face. Harlan was terrified. This was the last thing he wanted. Cyrus was never supposed to know, and then again, Harlan was never supposed to date either. His boyfriend just saw the true monster. Harlan wanted to shrink. He wanted to say something, but all that came out was an animal-like whimper. He sounded pathetic.

“Baby?” Cyrus whispered again.

Harlan heard him take a step. He still covered his face with his claws. He’s shown enough. He heard Cyrus take another step. Wait, why wasn’t he running? He should be scared, Harlan was scared. Cyrus just found out his boyfriend was a monster. He should be running.

“Har?” Cyrus called.

God, the way he said it did something to Harlan. It was nervous but sweet, timid but wanting. Harlan could feel his claws starting to shrink. Thank god, he thought. Harlan was shifting back to human. But what was he going to do? His life was now in shambles. This was a disaster.

“Look at me.” Cyrus stated warmly.

He’s gotten closer, much closer. Why is he getting closer?

Harlan grunted in response, still not fully human again.


Harlan didn’t respond. But he could feel Cyrus standing in front of him. He could feel his hands reach up and meet him to slowly pull them away from Harlan’s face. They moved slowly and cautiously.

“Baby, open your eyes.” Cyrus asked soothingly.

Harlan waited a second, not knowing if they were still glowing or not. Then he opened his eyes.

Cyrus stood right in front of him. He watched his eyes scan his face. Every pore and creese in his skin became up for examination. Then they locked eyes. Harlan could see they still glowed yellow in the reflection of Cyrus’ pupils. S***. Harlan watched with urgency. What was Cyrus thinking? What was he feeling? More importantly, what was his (hopefully still) boyfriend going to say? Cyrus took a steady breath in.

“Harlan.” Cyrus whispered. “You’re beautiful.”

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now