23: The Mother

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Harlan was escorted out of the cafeteria by the police officers. Harlan had a feeling he wouldn't be seeing Cyrus for a while, and he hated it. All Harlan wanted was to be with him. Talk with him, eat with him, sleep with him. Harlan wanted everything with him. And before they took him away, he told Cyrus the truth that he’d been denying for so long. Harlan was in love with Cyrus. Harlan said the words. Whispered in his ear. Harlan remembers how his heart slowed, almost like he was in shock. Harlan didn’t catch his eyes before he was whisked away. And Cyrus didn’t say it back. Maybe he was too stunned by what was happening? Maybe he was distracted by the others in the room? Maybe he wasn’t ready for that level of their relationship? Maybe Cyrus didn’t love him back?

“Hurry up.” One of the cops said, pushing him forward down the hall.

Harlan was overthinking this. He knew that, but Harlan couldn’t help himself. He loved Cyrus, and he finally said it outloud. Yes, Harlan wanted to f*** him but also love him. This was so much more than a hookup has ever been for him. This was love.

“Let’s get you out of here.” An officer said as he took the handcuffs off of Harlan.

This caught him off guard. What was going on? They walked him into the waiting room next to the front desk. Was he going back to the police station for more questioning? At that moment, Garrett and Ramsey entered the room. Harlan tried to hide the look of shock and relief on his face as best he could.

“Come on, we’re taking you home.” Garrett said.

He looked happy but distracted at the same time. Has something happened that Harlan doesn’t know about? He was excited to be leaving, but was he free? And what about Cyrus? They lead him out the doors and to Garrett’s park ranger truck. Harlan squeezed in the backseat with Garrett driving and Ramsey in the front.

“What’s going on?” Harlan asked after a few minutes of silence.

“We’ll explain everything back at the house.” Ramsey said in a calm voice.

But Garrett didn’t look calm at all. The rest of the long car ride was torture. The tension in the truck was to think you could cut it with a knife. Harlan had so many questions, but neither of them would answer. What the hell was happening?

They pulled into the driveway, and Luna ran out of the house and hugged Harlan the second he stepped out of the vehicle. He hugged her back and whispered in her ear.

“What is going on?” Harlan asked.

“They won’t tell me anything.” Lune responded.

The group walked into the house, and Everett and Black were waiting on the sofa. Was this some kind of pack meeting? Or did Ramsey have them under house arrest? Then Harlan saw Baron in the corner of the living room standing with his arms to his side. Apparently, he didn’t die and was out of the hospital.

“Okay, what the f*** is happening?” Harlan demanded.

He had so many questions.

“Ramsey has something to discuss with everyone…” Garrett trailed off and looked at Ramsey.

“I should explain a few things, but first, I must confess.” Ramsey started.

Everyone held their breath. Harlan could tell this was very serious.

“I am your mother.”

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now