41: The Deed

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"Are you sure?" Harlan asked. "I want this to be completely your choice."

"Yes, I'm certain." Cyrus responded. "You said you wanted to do it here, in your house, in your bed. Where we're safe and free."

"Okay, come here..."

Harlan pulled Cyrus into him and crashed their lips together. Their hands explored each other hungrily. Cyrus tugged at the hem of Harlan’s shirt, and he took the hint, pulling it off in one smooth motion. Cyrus moved his hands over his skin like he was charting a map. Harlan slipped a hand below Cyrus' waistline and over his upper thigh. Cyrus moaned into Harlan’s mouth.

"I wanna feel you too." Harlan said as he removed Cyrus' top.

He tossed it to the ground and quickly got back to touching Cyrus. Harlan was addicted to how he tasted. He maneuvered Cyrus onto his lap and started leaving hickies down his neck.

"I want everyone to know that you're mine."

"Oh, my..." Cyrus stuttered.

Harlan stopped. "You okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, please don't stop."

Harlan got back to leaving hickies up and down his neck. He was feeling posesive, this was new. It's probably a werewolf thing.

Harlan gently moved Cyrus on his back by the headboard. Harlan climbed on top of him but held himself up so as not to crush his boyfriend or mate.

"Harlan, I want you to f*** me..."

"Are you sure?"



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now