25: The Pickup

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“I love you”

The words repeated in Cyrus’ mind. It’s only been a day since Harlan was taken from him, but those words were all he could think about. Harlan told him that he loved him. Cyrus wonders if Harlan had ever said those words before, to anyone. He knows that his boyfriend doesn't communicate his emotions well and that he’s more of a show, not a type of person, so this was big for them.

Cyrus thought about many things as he stared at the ceiling of his cell, failing to fall asleep. It was after bedtime, and most of the lights in the center were off or dimmed. He wished he was wrapped up in Harlan’s arms right now with his breath on the back of his neck. Cyrus secretly wished Harlan did commit murder just so they could be together. He knew that was wrong, but the thought did cross his mind. At this pound, he heard footsteps down the hall getting louder. Cyrus sat up and looked through the little hole in the door to watch the people pass by. Because everyone was supposed to be in their cells, he knew it was either guards doing rounds or escorting a new inmate to their cell. Still, he wanted to know. The steps got louder until they stopped in front of his door.

“Cyrus Nix?” an officer said quietly.

The door opened to reveal two officers looking at Cyrus expectantly.

“We need you to come with us.” the officer continued.

Cyrus slowly got up and walked to the door. Was he getting moved? Was he getting interviewed again? But why at this hour of the night? Cyrus followed the guards down the hallway and around a corner. Was he going to the lobby?

“What’s going on?” Cyrus asked.

“Just follow us, please.”

Cyrus was very confused, and he didn’t know what was going on. They led him into the lobby where Ramsey and Garrett were waiting.

“What are you doing here?” Cyrus asked.

The hell was going on? He thought.

“You’re getting released.” Garrett said, trying to hide a smile.

“What!?” Cyrus was shocked.

“The evidence against you is simply not enough to hold you here.” Ramsey stated rather coldly. “You are still a person of interest, but the case is leading elsewhere.”

“Am I free?” Cyrus asked to clarify.

“Yes, you are free.” Garrett was smiling now. “Let’s take you home.”

The three of them walked out of the detention center and piled into Garrett's forest ranger truck. Garrett drove, Ramsey was in the front seat, and Cyrus had the backseat all to himself. As they pulled out of the parking lot, Cyrus watched the building he lived in for the past few days disappear.

“Hey Garrett?” Cyrus called. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure son.” Garrett said, peaking in his rearview mirror.

“Can you take me to your house instead of mine?” Cyrus asked. “I really want to see Harlan, if that’s okay.”

Cyrus didn’t want to sound too desperate, but he really was.

“Sure thing.” Garrett said. “Once we get home, you can decide if you want to spend the night.”

Cyrus didn’t need to think on that one. He already knew the answer. He was free and off to spend the night with harlan. Cyrus was fillany going to tell him that he too loved him.

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now