31: The Office

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Garrett opened the front door to Ramsey early that morning. He led her into his home and down the hall to his office. Luckily, everyone was still sound asleep, even Harlan and Cyrus, who were wrapped in eachothers arms when Garrett peeked in their room a few minutes ago. He knew why Ramsey was here and what this conversation was going to be about.

“Good morning.” Ramsey said as Garrett closed the office door behind them.

“I know you want to talk about Harlan and Cyrus.” Garrett said, cutting straight to the point. “And honestly, I do too.”

“True, that is what I’m here about.” Ramsey agreed. “We need to be prepared for how this could play out.”

Garrett moved to sit down behind his desk while Ramsey made herself comfortable in one of the chairs adjacent.

“Yesterday after we brought Cyrus here, we had a brief conversation about mates.” Garrett said. “Tell me more about that.”

“Well, with humans, theirs the whole soulmates and zodiac signs and all that, but with werewolves, it’s much more accurate. All werewolves have a predestined connection with another werewolf, or sometimes human. They are connected all their lives and don’t know it until they meet. After a while, their bond will solidify, and both parties will be opened up to a new level of emotions and bonding. It’s extreme and unmistakable when it happens. Once this happens, it’s irreversible and unbreakable.” Ramsey says.

Garrett moves in his chair slightly and looks as though he is taking serious mental notes. Ramsey continues.

“I think it’s very likely that Harlan and Cyrus are mates. Other werewolves can usually smell these bonds. I’m sure Luna has picked up on it but doesn’t know what it is yet.”

“You really think they are mates?” Garrett asks.

“Yes, I do.”

“But what does that mean since Cyrus is a human and also they are both boys?”

“Good question. Firstly, there are no big differences between heterosexual and homosexual couples, ones able to reproduce, ones not. But they have their own gifts. Second, werewolf and human mate bonds are rare but very real. Even though Cyrus is human, he will still physically feel the side effects of werewolves, full moons, and other factors. But because his body is human and not adaptable to our world, he could get sick.”

“What do you mean?” Garrett asked, getting concerned.

“Because his body can’t process the intense bond with Harlan because he’s human, not werewolf, he could experience physical inadequacies. Harlan could change during a full moon, and Cyrus would feel it, but it could cause fits of pain since his body can’t cope. This is why I think he should be changed.”

“Wow, let’s not go there just yet.” Garrett cautioned.

“Okay. but I’m just trying to do what’s best for our pack, and if I’m right, that means Cyrus as well.” Ramsey stated.

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now