20: The Detention Center

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Harlan was ushered out of the car and into the facility. After he was checked in at the front desk, he was taken down a long hall. Halfway down, the left wall was lined with windows that looked into a large common room. This was where he saw Cyrus looking at him in horror. He was wearing dark blue sweatpants and a T-shirt and his hair was messier than usual. Harlan was pushed past the line of windows to a small room.

"Here, change into these." The officer gave him dark blue clothes folded nicely in a pile.

It was the same clothes he saw Cyrus wearing in the other room. The officer closed the door and stood outside. Harlan started stripping down and changed into the new clothes. At least they weren't scratchy, he thought. When Harlan was done, he knocked on the door, and the Officer led him down another hallway, away from the common room Cyrus was in. the officer stopped and gestured to a small room with a chair and a metal bed in the corner.

"This is your room. You are free to move about the facility until 10PM. You are to be in here when 'lights out' are called. Any questions?"

Harlan shook his head. He just wanted the officer to leave so he could go see Cyrus. He waited a few minutes after the officer left to find the common room. Cyrus was right there when he opened the door. Harlan has never seen him this worried. The second the door was open, Cyrus pulled him into a tight hug and nuzzled his face in Harlan's neck. Harlan listened to his heart. It was beating fast. Harlan rubbed his back to try to calm him down. It kinda worked.

"Can we go to the bathroom?" Cyrus asked into his neck.

Harlan hummed and followed Cyrus out the door and down another hallway until they reached a bathroom. Once inside, Cyrus turned to him sharply.

"Please tell me you didn't do something crazy or stupid to get me out of here!" Cyrus questioned, looking panicked.

"I am accused of killing an officer." Harlan said, trying to calm Cyrus.

That didn't help.

"Murder!?" Cyrus exclaimed. "You're in here for murder!?"

"I didn't actually kill him. It was a bear." Harlan didn't like lying to him, but for now, he had to.

Harlan wanted to tell him everything soon. He needed to. How could Harlan hide a huge part of who he is from the man he loves so much? He can't, not for long anyway.

"But I don't think there's enough evidence to keep me here." Harlan continued.

Cyrus seemed to calm down a little bit, but his heart was still racing.

"Thank god." Cyrus said as he went in for another hug.

Harlan enjoyed this one much more since he wasn't worried about Cyrus anymore. He breathed him in and held on tightly.

"I missed you." Cyrus said.

"I missed you too, Cy." Harlan replied.

"We're doing nicknames now?" Cyrus asked. "Cute."

Harlan rolled his eyes and pulled away a little to kiss him. It was gentle yet desperate. Even though they saw each other in the police a few days ago, they were under surveillance. Here in this bathroom, they were free to do as they pleased, even if they weren't free to leave.

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now