4: The First Sighting

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After taking a smoke of his joint and exchanging numbers, Cyrus leaned forward and placed a kiss on Harlan's lips. It caught him slightly off guard.

“Come on, let’s head back.” Cyrus said as he started walking back to the patio behind the house.

Harlan waited a moment, then followed after. When they got back to the party, Phoebe was complaining about Blake. Accusing her of slashing her tires. Blake looked so done with the situation.

“...I’ve never done or said anything about her.” Phoebe stated, pleading for innocence.

At that moment, Harlan held up his phone and started playing a threatening voice memo from Phoebe about Blake with a smirk on his face.

“f*** you harlan.” she said and rolled her eyes.

“Hey, send me that!” Austin asked.

Harlan airdropped it to him, and a few minutes later, everyone was listening to an angry Phoebe yelling over a trap beat. It was actually quite entertaining. Until Black had enough and snatched the phone right out of Austin's hands and tossed it into the pool, causing the remix to stop.

“Really, again!?” he practically yelled.

After giving a glare to Blake, he dived into the pool to retrieve his phone. Everyone moved closer to watch.

“Someone turn on the lights!” A person yelled from the back.

“We can't. They're broken.” Tia said.

Everyone watched the water in anticipation. After a minute, Austin resurfaced in a state of fear. He looked panicked and scared. Luna was very nervous, and the rest of the pack could feel it too.

“There is something in the water!” Austin screamed as he ran inside of the house.

Harlan expectantly looked into the pool and saw a large dark mass slowly float to the surface. Other people seemed to notice it to because everyone started frantically running into the house. Cyrus, who stood behind him, grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the house as well. Once the party had moved into the main living area, they closed and locked the patio doors. Everyone was quiet, probably processing what they just saw.

“You okay?” Cyrus asked Harlan, leaning into his ear. Cyrus didn’t know why he felt the need to check up on him, but Harlan hummed in response. He noticed that Harlan didn’t seem as phased as the rest of the group. Maybe it was the mushrooms.

“Okay, everybody, calm down. It was probably just a possum.” Phoebe announced.

“A possum?” Austin retorted. “You all say it too. Did that look like a f***ing possum?”

No one answered. Austin looked around expectantly. Harlan looked over to Luna, who looked very concerned. But whether it was for the werewolf or her boyfriend, he didn’t know. Wait, were they even dating? Harlan honestly had no idea.

“Look, there it is!” Austin pointed through the glass door and out past the pool. “There, behind the rocks.”

Everyone slowly moved closer to the windows to see for themselves. Both Harlan and Cyrus leaned forward to get a better look. Once Harlan saw the werewolf, he subconsciously reached back and pulled Cyrus behind him. He didn’t know why he felt the need, but it felt better having Cyrus in a safer position. Besides, he didn’t seem to mind.

The tension in the room was palpable, and Austin continued to ramble on trying to convince everyone. But his rant started getting a little too on the nose. He was talking about the monster, and his descriptions were a little too accurate for the packs likening. Luna looked worried and kept making eye contact with Harlan. He didn’t like where this was going. The pack genuinely thought Austin was going to claim it was a werewolf. Then they’d have to resort to gaslighting. Thank god Everett jumped in and claimed it was a bear. The whole pack let out the breath they were holding. Austin stormed off redder than ever. Crisis averted.

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now