10: The Change of Plans

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After Harlan left, Cyrus paced around the stables bored out of his mind. He already made the bed for them tonight, thoroughly explored every stable, and counted all the planks of wood on the doors. The left door had one more door than the right one because the planks were a little wider. Cyrus tried not to let it bother him, but he avoided looking at it.

Cyrus knew Harlan’s friends needed him, but he wanted him back. He was getting way more attached than he was planning, which made things more complicated. Luckily, he was pretty sure that Harlan felt the same way.

At that moment, he heard the stable door open, and there stood Garrett Briggs.

S***, Cyrus thought.

“Did you start those fires?” he asked bluntly.

Cyrus looked down. “No.”

“Don’t say it to the ground. Say it to me.” Garrett demanded. “Look at me, Cyrus. Did you start those fires?”

“No.” Cyrus repeated.

Garrett sounded very terse. Cyrus didn’t know what to do. He wished Harlan was here, but it was his problem, and Cyrus had to deal with it. He couldn’t let Harlan take on all of his issues.

Garrett hesitated. “I believe you.”

Cyrus let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“But there are some people who don’t. You’re gonna have to convince them.” Garrett started walking closer to Cyrus.

Cyrus knew what this meant. Garrett was taking him in. as much as this scared him, he knew it was most likely the only way out. He had to convince them. But he’d be risking everything. What if they find him guilty? What if he goes to juvie? Cyrus didn’t like the thoughts flooding his mind as he followed Garrett out to his car.

But then Cyrus thought of Harlan and the promise they made. And somehow, this was worse to think about. Not what could happen to him, but what could happen to Harlan. Cyrus hated this feeling.

“Sir.” Cyrus said in the front seat.

“Call me Garrett.” he corrected.

“I made a promise.” Cyrus continued. “To Harlan.”

“Do elaborate.”

“I made a promise that Harlan could come back tonight, and I’d still be there.” Cyrus explained.

Garrett now realized how involved his son was with this man in his car. He knew Harlan didn’t date, and as much as he hated it, he knew he hooked up quite frequently. Even though they didn’t always hold an open line of communication, Garrett knew this was a big milestone for his son. And he was taking Cyrus away.

“I’ll deal with Harlan when he gets home. We need to get this sorted out first.” Garrett responded after thinking about it for a few minutes.

Cyrus had a sinking feeling this would not end well for either of them.

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now