37: The Panic Attack

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When Harlan got home after dropping Everett off after the gym, he went up to his room. Cyrus was laying on his bed, snuggled under the covers, snoring just enough for Harlan's wolf hearing to pick up. His raven hair cascaded down his forehead, and Harlan watched the rise and fall of his chest. That’s right where his boyfriend belonged, in Harlan’s bed, sound asleep. He was beautiful, and he was his. For now.

What would he do when he finds out? Would he get scared and leave? Would he fear Harlan? This was all too much. Harlan started breathing faster. He didn’t know how he was going to tell him about all this. What if Cyrus hated him? What if Cyrus wanted to be turned? What if Harlan hurt Cyrus? Oh my god, that couldn’t happen. Harlan was hyperventilating. Was he having a panic attack? That was usually Everett’s job. He was so confused. What was going on?

Harlan dropped his gym bag by his bedroom door and leaned on the wall. Cyrus stirred at the noise. Oh, s***. Harlan thought. He couldn’t see him like this. Harlan left the room and stumbled into the hallway. He could feel his teeth move, and his eyes flair. f***, Harlan was shifting. This was bad, this was very bad. Harlan could feel his claws come in and his teeth change. Harlan could feel the adrenalin, the animal. He couldn’t control it. How did Everett deal with this?


Harlan froze as best as he could. Cyrus was awake. F***. This was not going how he wanted this to go. He couldn’t find out this way. Harlan moved down the hall, failing at being stealthy. Once Harlan made his way to the stairs, he looked back. Cyrus was peeking out of his room down the hall at Harlan.

“Baby?” Cyrus said, sounding concerned. “Are you okay?”

Harlan ran. He ran down the stairs and through the living room. He could hear Cyrus chasing after him.

“Harlan, What’s going on? Cyrus sounded worried.

How was he going to explain this? Harlan ran out the back door by the kitchen and to the stables. He didn’t have a plan. He just ran. He got into the stables and closed the door behind him. He looked around frantically for a place to quickly hide from his boyfriend. That’s when the door flew open. He wasn’t fast enough.


JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now