12: The Realization

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The rest of the school day went by much too slow for Harlan’s liking. Lunch was as good as American school cafeteria food could be, and the test was fairly easy considering Harlan never really studied. Honestly, he didn’t care that much about his grades. He still got A’s and B’s in all his classes but never had to work that hard. He knew he was one of the lucky ones. Luna always took honors and A.P. classes, which were harder than the normal classes, so she usually had homework.

Harlan waited by his car for the rest of the pack.

“Come on, hurry up.” Harlan said to Blake as she walked through the cars.

She was there first, then Luna and Everett. They all piled in and left high school. Luna played with the radio in the front seat while Everett and Blake were discussing the book they were reading in English class.

“You’re going to hate the ending. It totally lets you down, and there’s so many unanswered questions." Harlan interjected because he read it last year.

They both moaned from the back seat, and Luna finally found a station she liked. The rest of the car ride was uneventful. Harlan was very excited to see Cyrus, but he was slightly concerned that he didn’t pick up when he called earlier. Harlan hasn’t talked with Luna about him sleeping in their stables. He knew she knew because of her sense of smell, but she hasn’t said anything. Maybe she didn’t want to talk about it with Everett and Blake around, or maybe she just didn’t care?

When they pulled up to the house, Harlan parked in his usual stop in front. He wasn’t hiding this time, so he didn’t need to park around the side like last night. The pack piled out of the vehicle with their backpacks and stumbled into the house. Everyone threw their bags on the couch and made themselves comfortable.

“It is nice being here.” Blake said. “In a house, you know, because I don’t have one.”

Everett looked saddened by that statement but didn’t say anything. Luna also noticed her comment and looked at Everett. They felt really bad for her but didn’t know how to respond to that.

Harlan walked to the pantry and pulled out a box of goldfish and some energy and protein bars. It’s the best he can do if not a full meal. He walked past the kitchen island when he looked out the window and saw the stable light on.

“S***.” Harlan said out loud.

He thought he told Cyrus to keep it off?

“What?” Luna asked as she watched Harlan frantically leave through the back door.

The other three werewolves looked at each other and followed him outside. Harlan quickly walked into the stable with the rest of his pack closely behind. He dropped the food he brought for Cyrus because he wasn’t there. Garrett, his adoptive father, stood in the middle of the space, but Cyrus was gone.

JUST THE TWO OF US: Harlan And Cyrus Where stories live. Discover now