Chapter 17 - Too Real. Too Raw.

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Februrary 2022

Tippah: Finn and Jemma are getting married.

+49 456 765 838: Holy shit

Tippah: he would want you there

+49 456 765 838: no, not a chance

Tippah: Come on

+49 456 765 838: no

Tippah: Don't be a dick

+49 456 765 838: i'm not

Tippah: well, i'll send u the address anyways.

+49 456 765 838: i'm not going to be there

Tippah: just in case then

+49 456 765 838: finn wouldn't want me there.

Tippah: trust me, i think he definitely would


"You missed me?" she said, as the whole room stared: half of them knowing who she was, and the other half probably thinking who on earth decided to crash the wedding.

"Holy shit," Finn said, covering his mouth and walking over to his sister. Our sister. His hope had come true. His wish had come true. Eden was here.

"Is this real?" Mum said, going up behind Finn and trying to get a look at the shaggy brown hair, and the eyes which resembled Finn's and my father's. I hated to look at them. Too real. Too raw.

"It's real, Mum," Eden said, smiling a somewhat forced grin. I didn't think she would come; I didn't prepare for this. I hung back, letting Darcy, Bindi, Finn and Mum all have their moment with the 'long lost sister'. Leah stood beside me, just supporting me rather than pushing. It was what I needed.

"Tipp, get over here," Finn said, as they all embraced in a family hug that reminded me of those cringey pictures taken at Heathrow airport. Well, maybe they aren't cringey but they feel a little forced. Leah gave me a little nudge, but I didn't move.

"What's wrong?" Leah asked me.

"This- I-" but before I could finish, Bindi grabbed my hand, in the older sister manner that she normally extends, and brought me into the hug.

"Come on kid, get in here," Darcy said, bringing me in.

My 'family' was brought back together. If I really thought about it, I don't think we had all been in the same room since I was eight years old, and if we were to get technical, this isn't even my whole family: he's not here.

After the reunion, and most of the guests leaving the wedding, we sat outside, sitting around the fire, as Eden told them the story of her life: where she went, who she went with and what she had become.

"So you travelled?" Bindi asked, as Gia, her little girl, was asleep in her arms.

"Well, I got around," Eden said. "I kind of just hopped around countries. I wouldn't call that travel."

"That sounds so...adventurous," Darcy said. "Very you." Eden chuckled slightly, and I remained silent.

"But, what about now? What are you doing now?" Mum asked, staying as close to Eden as she possibly could.

"Well, I went to uni, got my degree in physiotherapy. I just- honestly, I decided on physical therapy for you two: Tipp and Finn. Watching you, Finn, have to give up football because of your injury, made me want to help, you know?"

"And..." Darcy asked, wanting to know what was next.

"And, that's me, I have my degree, I'm working with a club, and I'm a physio." I was scared how the next part of this conversation would go. They knew I had played Wolfsburg recently, they knew

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