Chapter 5

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Isabel fought to claim control of her thoughts as she reached the manor house. I am no longer a merchant's daughter. I am now a servant. I must accept my situation and forget about my hopes and dreams. The other servant's would hate her if she expected any special treatment. She has to show that she is capable of hard work and not someone who expects everything to be done for her.

There was another reason she couldn't allow herself to appear weak. Bailiff Richard would no doubt be nearby and would see her fear.

She strengthened her back and shoulders, determination washes over her. She was ready to face whatever danger awaited her, anything was better than marrying Bailiff Richard.

As Isabel got to the door, she took deep breaths to calm her racing heart, praying with all of her might that Richard wasn't with Lord John Goodwin.

She knocked on the door and an older woman opened it. "Yes?"

"Good morning. I'm Isabel Smith. Lord John Goodwin is expecting me. I am here to be a servant."

"Come in Isabel. You can call me Miss Elizabeth. I'll tell the lord that you are here."

 Miss Elizabeth stepped back in. Isabel entered the house. She noticed a few people doing work. There are some people she recognized, including Bailiff Richard's daughter, Olive, who was adding wood to the fireplace. 

By the way Elizabeth confidently walked, she must be the head servant. She shuffled to the first door down the hall. " My lord? Someone is here to see you."

" Who is it?" A voice on the other side of the door said louder than necessary.

 The stranger who almost ran over her his horse, opened the door, appearing in the doorway.

Miss Elizabeth continued. "Sorry to disturb you, but somebody is here saying you were expecting her. Isabel Smith."

 He saw her standing near the door. "Smith? Come here." He beckoned Isabel with his good hand.

 Isabel's knees felt weak as she stepped forward.

"Are you Margaret Smith's oldest?"

"No my lord. Her youngest."

"Huh. I expected her to send her oldest." He stared hard at her.

 Isabel didn't know what to say.

"So, you have brothers and sisters?"

"Two brothers my lord."

"Are they married?"

"They are not my Lord." He probably preferred Thomas or Adam and wondered why she had come instead of one of them. She hopes he wouldn't ask why he was here instead of one of her brothers.

Several moments passed before he spoke. "Very well then. Elizabeth has much need of you in the kitchen, but today, you will join the rest of the villagers in the fields."

"Excuse me my Lord." Elizabeth said. "Perhaps she should stay here with me today instead of working in the fields. She doesn't look strong."

"Doesn't look strong?!" Lord Goodwin shouted. All activities stopped. Everyone's eyes were on her including the lord's. The others in the room begin whispering, probably reminding each other who she was. A Smith, lazy. She felt her cheeks burned

"Are you strong? Lord Goodwin almost growled.

"Yes, my lord."

"Good." He walked past her.

"My lord."

 Isabel turned to see Bailiff Richard facing Lord Goodwin.

"This woman is to be my wife. Her brothers have arranged for her to marry me in exchange for paying their debt. "

Lord Goodwin turned back to her. "Is this true? Did you promise yourself to this man?"

"No, my lord, I did not." Her face burned again and she realized all the people in the room listening to this conversation. At least she would have witnesses to her refusal.

 The bailiff glared at her with murder in his eyes.

"Are you willing to marry him?" Lord Goodwin's voice was hard.

 "No, my lord. I want to be your servant, to pay for my family's debt ."

He turns back to Richard. "Apparently she won't marry you." He walked out with Bailiff Richard following him. As he walked out he muttered, "Count yourself fortunate."

His insult felt like a slap to her face. Elizabeth frowned. "Don't pay attention to the lord. He's a little grumpy this morning." She looked at Isabel up and down. "You don't want to wear that dress in the fields, that's for certain. Put on your worst clothing and tie your hair. Follow me."

Elizabeth took Isabella's bag and walked into a room. "You can change here."

Isabel took off her dress. When she put on her oldest and worst looking dress over her head, she remembered to get the knife from her other dress and slip it into her pocket. It reminded her that she might see Richard again at any moment.

Bailiff Richard will never touch me again. Never.  

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