Chapter 16

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Isabel looked over the morning's kitchen duties while Miss. Elizabeth was breaking an argument between two other servant girls. From the sound coming through the door, Isabel realized she was going to be alone for a little while. 

She finished stirring the breakfast in the pot and then put it over the fire so it could continue cooking. There, the worst part is done. Now, time to sweep. She turned around to get the broom and noticed Lord Goodwin by the door. Her heart fluttered.

"Elizabeth sent me here to get my bandages changed." He said, sitting down on the bench near the door.

Isabel rummaged through the shelves until she found some bandages.

Lord Goodwin's appearance was put together like there wasn't a fire a couple hours ago. His dark hair was neatly styled, there wasn't any soot on his face, and he wore a white shirt and blue pants that smelled like fresh air and lavender. If he would shave his beard, he'd look like a king.

"No one would ever think you were a hero last night."

"What do you mean?" He sounded annoyed, but the harshness of his voice no longer intimidated her like it used to. 

"I mean, you don't look at all like you did a couple hours ago when you saved that lamb. You look like you are one your way to see the king."

"True. I've seen the king and there are no heroes there."

Her lips formed a smile, but instead of smiling back. Lord Goodwin deepened his frown. It's probably because of the pain in his arm.

She began to unwrap his bandage. His arm was blistered over a large portion of his arm. She winced. It had oozed some blood, soaking the bandage in a few spots. She grabbed a pitcher of water and a bucket and poured it over his arm. He sat unflinching, watching her hands and then her face. She dried his arm and started wrapping it with a clean bandage.

As she wrapped the bandage around his arm as his attention went back to her hand. He watched her with a new alertness and then grabbed her hand and turned it over.

On her skin was the bruise the bailiff made on the day he cornered her inside the butcher's shop. The bruise was the size of Bailiff Richard's thumbprint, dark blue with some green in the center.

"How did you get this?" Lord Goodwin demanded.

Her face went hot. She didn't want to tell him, although she didn't know why she should feel ashamed. It was the bailiff who should be ashamed.

He tightened his grip on her hand. "Tell me the truth. Did someone hurt you."

She swallowed. "Bailiff Richard did it."


"Just before he shoved me in the street and you almost ran me over with your horse."

She became aware that he was still holding her hand. His hand was warm, his palm slightly rough. He suddenly let go of her.

She quickly finished wrapping his bandage and tied it.

"What else did he do to you that day?"

"He held my against me will, threatened me, and told me I should marry him."

"Has he hurt you any other time?"

"Just when I was doing the laundry, but you saw that." She decided not to tell him about the bailiff trying to kiss her in the butcher's shop. She couldn't think about it without feeling sick.

"I never did anything to make him think I'd marry him." Isabel said, feeling the need to explain. "I never thought of him as anything but my father's friend. I never imagined he was having... thoughts about me. After I saw him looking at me a few times, I realized, and I never tried to do anything to-"

"I don't approve of the bailiff," he said, interrupting her, "or anyone else, laying their hands on you. If it happens again, tell me, and I will get rid of him and find a new bailiff. In fact, I'll fire him right now."

"No, please don't do that. Everyone will hate me if I caused the bailiff his job." Besides, he'd be so angry, he'd find a way to get revenge on her.

Her heart beat faster in her chest at the look on his face. "I will tell you if it happens again. I think he will leave me alone now because you had a talk with him."

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