Chapter 32

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(Isabel's POV)

Isabel woke up the next morning with an unsettled feeling in her stomach. But surely it was only because she was leaving today. Leaving Gynval and moving to another village was what she wanted, wasn't it? Besides, there was no one here who cared about her, not even her own family. And what friends did she have? Even her friendship with Henry felt different after everything that happened. Maybe he would marry Naomi and have a family. He would have no time for her.

The only other friend she would be leaving behind would be Miss Elizabeth.

And Lord Goodwin.

She couldn't bear the thought of never talking to him again. Would he be alright? Who would take care of him if ever hurt himself again.

He was the lord. He had servants to take care of him. Why was she having these thoughts? Maybe she was only afraid of leaving home and going somewhere new and having to live with strangers. She couldn't change her mind now, could she?

How would he feel if she told him she didn't want to leave, that she would miss him and would worry about him too much, that he made her feel safe?

She couldn't say that.

She pulled out her belongings from under her bed when the door opened and Miss Elizabeth stepped into the room, holding a candle that lighted up her face. She made her way to Isabel, being careful not to wake up the other girls.

"Time to go, child. Ready to go?"

"Yes." Together, they made their way out of the door.

Dustin jumped down from his horse and helped tie down Isabel's bag on her horse. Then he helped the women mount their horses, and they were off.

No one spoke as they began their journey through the village. The sun was just rising as villagers came out of their houses and got ready for the new day.

Isabel noticed a group of people surrounding Richard, whispering to each other. The sight made her heart drop to her stomach. Miss Elizabeth had her head down and didn't notice anything, but Dustin's face showed confusion. He slowed down his horse and dismounted. 

Isabel got off her horse and joined him. His eyes were focused on the group as he took a step forward.

"Wait." She grabbed his arm, stopping him. "If you walk up to them, they'll recognize you, and they'll stop talking. Let's hide our horses and sneak up behind them."

He nodded.

They started walking their horses towards the trees on the side of the road.

"What's wrong?" asked Miss Elizabeth.

"Dustin and I are going to find out what those people are saying."

Just as they reached the trees, Anastasia came running down the road. Isabel waved her hands and caught her attention, and Anastasia ran over.

"Something is happening."

"What is happening?" Isabel demanded.

"Richard is stirring up the people against Lord Goodwin. They're planning on attacking his house this morning."


"He says that Lord Goodwin is cursed and that it will get worse. He also said Lord Goodwin is to be blamed for what happened to him. He told the villagers to get rid of Lord Goodwin."

She turned around and started walking in the woods, the group following her. She turned her attention to the group. Richard raised his voice and soon the villagers were pumping their fists in the air. She made out the words "curse" and "put an end to" and "Lord Goodwin."

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