Chapter 21

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(John's POV)

This poor girl had been forced to carry a knife around to protect herself. He felt sick. Why hadn't she come to him? Why hadn't she told him how terrified she was? He would've defended her.

But he knew why. She hadn't come to her because he himself had mistreated her. He had been rude and insulting.

"I know it was wrong of me to try to use the knife as a weapon-"

"You were only trying to protect yourself." He closed his eyes, groaning inwardly. God, how could You ever forgive me? How could she ever forgive me? How can I forgive myself?

"But the bailiff was holding my knife, and that's why- that's why-"

"That's why whoever was with you had to hit the bailiff on the head with whatever he was hitting him with." Now he can see the full picture.

They sat in silence. John stared down at his hand. He could have, should have protected her from the bailiff.

No matter what it cost him, he would protect her now.

"I won't let anything else happen to you." He continued to stare down at his hand. "I will protect you and the person who was with you last night. I will help you."

(Isabel's POV)

Isabel stared at his face and she felt peace go through her body. He would protect her. This is what she wanted from her brothers, a feeling of protection and security.

A tiny movement near her foot caught her attention. A dark, geometric pattern slithered on the ground. A poisonous adder.

She stifled a scream. If she pulled her foot away, it might strike.

"Be still." Lord Goodwin stood.

The adder turned its head towards him and struck at his leg.

He leapt back.

Isabel jumped off the rock, landing on the ground behind the boulder.

She found a fallen limb and grabbed it. Lord Goodwin stood besides her facing the snake, which lay ready to strike again six feet away.

He slowly stretched out his hand towards Isabel, keeping the rest of his body still. She handed him the stick. He lowered it near its head until it rested on the ground in front of the snake. Then, he sent the snake sailing through the air with a flick of the stick.

She looked down at Lord Goodwin's leg. "Are you hurt? Did he strike you?" If he was bitten- O God, don't let him die.

"No, he missed."

She stared hard at his face. "Are you sure? I saw him strike! You could be poisoned! Those snakes are deadly."

"I'm telling the truth." A smile started to form on his lips and he shook his head. "He never touched me."

Isabel took a deep breath to calm herself. Relief that Lord Goodwin wasn't bitten surged through her body.

Lord Goodwin reached out to her, and before she had time to think, she leaned into his embrace. She realized she was enjoying his hug a little too much. Not only should she not be enjoying it, but her lord shouldn't be holding her in his arms. It was improper.

She suddenly had a terrifying thought. Was Lord Goodwin holding her because he was having the same feelings for her that Bailiff Richard had? Now that she thought about it, why had she agreed to this meeting alone with him? Would he begin treating her the way Bailiff Richard treated her?

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